Friday, December 2, 2022

Green Lantern and The Vision in: "The Mad March of Mister Universe!"


The last I read about the ever-changing Green Lantern show on HBO Max is that is was being retooled into a John Stewart focused series.  I don't know if that is still the case now that James Gunn and Peter Safran have been tasked with charting out a 10-year interconnected plan for the DCU.  Hopefully when everything shakes out, John, Hal and the rest of the Corps will have places of prominence.

The Vision met up with Hal Jordan in STF #607, and then with a couple of co-stars in STF #3019...


  1. Dear Ross: Is Mr. Universe one of your original characters? Or a Marvel re-working of DC's Galactic Golem/Nebula Man?

  2. He was already there, I just came up with the name.

  3. ...and gave him a new "interior"

  4. Mr Universe brings up the question it too early to have The Beyonder with Dr Manhattan again with the Improbables? " Random thoughts".

  5. Mr. Universe reminds me of Marvel's Eternity, or Lord Nebula from the Captain Simian and the Space Monkeys cartoon.

    And here's one of those early-morning groggy-mind ideas: I recently signed up for a (yet to be recorded) podcast panel discussing the similarities and differences between Marvel and DC. One of the differences is how they treat their multiverses: Marvel's has been fairly stable, while DC has made a more-or-less regular tradition of resetting theirs. On the other hand, the explanation that He Who Remains gave in the Loki Season One finale suggests that the MCU may reset to a single Sacred Timeline at the end of the Multiverse Saga.

    So, I thought, what if you were to combine the two events -- the Multiverse War of the MCU, and DC's periodic universe-rebooting "Crisis" -- into a single STFU event, "The Kang Crisis"? You could do it as a single issue, or your could make it a bit 12-part event with the finale in one of your 100-page spectacular anniversary issues. There have been hints of various possibilities toward the build-up: various time-displaced heroes, a variety of people showing up on the Planet of the Apes, interactions between the various types of Martians, etc. A bit of planning could even lead to hints about the upcoming Kang Crisis, or direct things toward what's happening without our knowing until it's sprung in the miniseries.

  6. Bob, that was kind of the idea behind my 2000th issue that featured the comic I drew in my 20's - a bug crossover event that culminated in a merged earth. The multi part stories are very tricky to do, they take a lot of extra planning. I do have a 5-parter that ties heavily into STF continuity coming up that I am fond of - it will be a Christmas present that starts on December 26th.

  7. @Det. Tobor: My money would be on the Great Gazoo. If not for his powers, the 52nd anniversary special for Scooby Doo would've never been telecast at all!

  8. @Anon231: having seen that special, I have to ask; "How was that a good thing?"

  9. Ross, the actual origin of that thought was that you've done a few "X in the Marvel Universe" and "X in the DC Universe" covers; how could you manage both at the same time? "The Kang Crisis" would be an interesting way to comment on the Kang Wars (perhaps in time for Avengers: The Kang Dynasty) in comparison with DC's various Crises. And, of course, since you did such a story with the 2000th issue, you could do this thing (with all the buildup) for the 4000th.

    (Right now I'm not holding out any hope that the "All-Mars Spectacular" I suggested a while ago will be anything earlier than #4100 -- if you ever do it at all, of course.)

    PS: Regarding another previous suggestion, it dawned on me who would be the perfect pair of heroes to look into Gog & Gog: Moon Knight and the Elongated Man!

  10. @Daviticus: I'm talking about Marvel's Gog (who appeared here recently) and DC's Gog. Magog may or may not be included (that's up to Ross... though it may be an opportunity to learn that the STFU versions are secretly Ed, Edd N Eddy).
