Saturday, December 3, 2022

Doctor Strange Vs. Lex Luthor


Like many, I was entertained but slightly disappointed with Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Madness.  There were some fun action scenes but I didn't care for the cannon fodder cameos and wanted much more madness out of the multiverse than we got.  I think Marvel is waiting for Avengers: Secret Wars before they go really crazy with the multiverse stunt casting stuff.  For a much better movie about variants and multiple realities, I highly recommend Everything Everywhere All At Once. That was incredibly creative and interesting, not to mention touching and funny on a much smaller budget.  It's starting to get noticed now that awards season is rolling around, so I am hopeful that more people will discover it.


  1. Nothing to do with today’s cover, but a few suggestions (which may have been suggested before)

    * Johnny Thunder and the Thunderbolts
    * Father Christmas and Wolverine (Santa/Claws)

  2. We will have to agree to permanently disagree, Ross. I loved DS/MOM! The Illuminati were just the right number of counterpart cameos for whetting my appetite for more in future big-budget sequels. As for EEAAO? Jet Li's THE ONE was far better.

  3. "There is no sorcery you can wield that my scientific genius will not counter."

    Maybe so, Luthor. But, I'll bet you had to steal and reverse-engineer some of Yandroth's super-science, first!

  4. Come to think of it? A sequel pitting these two against Yandroth would be a pretty good way of introducing the latter to the Ross-verse.

  5. What a great cover! The costume colors evoke Superman v. Luthor, plus it's classic science v. sorcery. Thank you!

  6. Personally I'm at about the midpoint between you and Anon@8:01 regarding MSMOM. The main problem I have with it is the Illuminati's insistence that they had to destroy their visitors rather than just let them return to their home universe(s); though vital to the plot, it just seemed illogical.

    On the other hand, a pleasant surprise was the non-magical fight between Strange-616 and Mordo-838. I found it evocative of Jackie Chan movies, and that in turn has me eager to see Stephen show up in the next Chang-Shi movie (or vice versa).

    (It does seem noteworthy, I think, that Patrick Stewart now holds the record for most separate death scenes as the same character, at four.)

    As for EEAAO, I'm still looking for an opportunity to see it. By the time it was seriously on my radar, it was on its way out of the theaters, and so far the only streaming access is either through Showtime or by purchase. (I haven't checked the public library yet.) If nothing else, it should be worth watching just because of Michelle Yeoh.

    @Anon@6:18: Marvel actually did their own "Santa Claws" gag back in the 80s, as a two-panel "Merry Christmas" greeting to the fans in the letter columns.

    @Anon@8:01: I've seen The One, and while I obviously can't compare it to EEAAO, I can certainly see the appeal of that one. It's one of the better multiverse movies out there.

  7. Is Lex smarter than Tony,Bruce, and T'Challa ?? Is seems it. Like Bruce, super science is what they have total belief in. Magic is just energy, so it can be short circuited,
    rerouted, contained, dispersed, or changed. And Lex wouldn't have it any other way.
    As far as the public accepting multi universes, should be since Sliders, or Star Trek's Mirror, Mirror that they have exposure to it. Multi Parkers for No Way Home seemed to work out pretty decently. Two Billion at the box office? I'd take it.

  8. @Detective Tobar: "Multi-Parkers" That's Brillaint!

    Great cover today Ross! It's always a treat seeing Lex try to flex his super ego on someone else, but will probably never consider anyone else a danger to humanity more than Superman. So probably to him the Sorcerer Supreme is nothing but another pawn standing in his way.

    1. Ah... But that would assume Lex would even consider Steven Strange an obstacle in the first place.

  9. Nice one today, Ross! Magic vs Science! Which will reign supreme?

  10. The above post was me. Still figuring out the comment system :)

  11. Oh, here's a thought, Ross! Storm vs. Weather Wizard in a battle to see who will rain supreme!

  12. OK, then, a rematch to see who rains supreme! (You gotta do the pun, Ross.)

  13. Thor vs. Weather Wizard would be more fitting to decide which one rains supreme. ;-D

  14. This cover made me think of something... has Dr. Strange ever clashed with Dr. Doom in Marvel comics? Same comic universe aside, that would be an AWESOME cover to do - Doom is the perfect mix of science and magic! If we're sticking to clashes from different comic universes let's try Dr. Strange vs. Dr. Fate, or Klarion, Felix Faust, or CONSTANTINE!
