Sunday, December 25, 2022

Green Lantern and Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer


Merry Christmas!  I hope that every visitor to this blog is spending today in the company of those they love.  I truly appreciate the suggestions, kind words and encouragement you have provided me throughout the year.  A special thanks goes out to the Patrons, your support has helped send it towards its 13th year, and I can't tell you how much it means to me.  Have a wonderful day today, everyone!


  1. a Merry Christmas right back at you , Ross ! thanks for all that you do for those 13 years . just amazing !God bless you !

  2. Happy Holidays Ross and all, and congratulations. The cover looks like you've accomplished getting out your first big little book for the younger crowd.
    (not easy to do on your budget.)

  3. Merry Christmas!

    Only seven reindeer, counting Rudolph?

    Maybe two were sick, and that's why Hal was needed to help?

  4. @Kid Charlemagne: could be. Especially if they were telepathically led away by Hector Hammond! In which case, if I were GL, I'd recruit the help of either Animal Man or Vixen in tracking them down.

    Merry Xmas from Connecticut's NW Corner, Ross! :-)

  5. Oh! I just got it! Santa's sleigh and reindeer harnesses are missing, and GL used his ring to generate substitute gear for him. All Grinches, Scrooges and Abominable Snow Monsters beware their light! This is wonderful Ross! Well, Merry Christmas gang, it's been a yo-yo year, so I wish everyone some cheer, wherever you are.

  6. Brilliant cover for the holiday, Ross! Happy Christmas, a great New Year to you, too!

    Some ideas for the coming year's special days (recognizing, of course, that you generally only do Christmas, New Year, July 4, and Halloween):

    For New Year: the Wizard Shazam, and Diaper Man.

    For MLK's birthday: John Stewart and the Falcon.

    For Valentine's Day: Starfox versus Cupid.

    For April 1: Waldo and Carmen Sandiego. (Alternately, revive the Deadpool/Ambush Bug rivalry.)

    For April 2 (Autism Awareness Day): Entrapta and the M-Twins.

    For July 4: Liberty Belle and American Maid.

    For September 19 (International Talk like a Pirate day): Hondo Ohnaka meets the Starjammers.

    For October 10 (Mental Health Awareness Day): Revive the rivalry between Doc Samson and Harley Quinn.

    For October 29 (Stroke Awareness Day): Nocturne and Sandman (Wesley Dodds).

    For Halloween: Batman vs. Chucky.

    For Veterans Day: Captain America and the Unknown Soldier (revisited).

    For next year's Christmas: Booster Gold tracks a particularly vile version of Kang the Conqueror to Bethlehem.

    And one for any day: Ambush Bug becomes Captain Universe!

  7. Interesting you chose the Rankin Bass stop motion Rudolph and not the one licensed by DC Comics -- but then it wouldn't be cross-company, and this version is the best known.

  8. Cover of the month!

  9. I mean, what could possibly top this, next December? Frosty and Batman vs. Mr. Freeze?

  10. @Anon1255: I'd buy that for sixty cents. :-)

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Just think: another one hour and seventeen minutes and it'll be fifty shopping weeks till next Xmas!

  13. Was I the only one slightly disappointed by the lack of a Jason V. marathon, yesterday>
