Saturday, November 26, 2022

Spider-Woman and Batgirl


I spider-Woman the first Super-Heroine to ever get her own animated TV series?  I think she just may be, and it's more impressive that it came out only a couple of years after her comic book debut.  It's still odd to me that Wonder Woman has never had her own cartoon.

These two may have to do a little more than search the city.  Regular visitors to this blog know that Jim Gordon was called to the planet Mongo in STF #2535... 


  1. Wonder Woman shared years on Super Friends, but she has had a few animated movies of her own. And yeah, she is quality all the way through.

    Batgirl and Spider-Woman? Not really that different than Batman and Spider-Man.
    Considering everything Barbara has gone thru in herlife, i think she would make it a point to keep an open mind about someone until they showed their hand. Jessica might appreciate someone like that.

  2. In the very next issue: Spider-woman's word balloon.

    "Commissioner Gordon was abducted to the planet Mongo?! This looks like a job Uncle Nelson!"

    Guest-starring The Liberator and the Golden Age Doc Strange.

  3. For those who don't buy Dynamite Entertainment comics? Doc Strange and the Liberator are Golden Age superheroes who were published by Nedor Comics and who are now semi-public domain. Which is another way of saying that certain aspects of these characters are now owned by Time-Warner through DC's purchase of Fawcett Comics who bought out Nedor's original owner, Popular Library Publications.*

    *It took me a little extra research to make that "Discovery." ;-)

  4. @Carycomic: so, using the Ross System of Genealogy, a sequel would have Jessica Drew contacting her uncle Nelson Drew about how to contact his old buddy Hugo Strange, Senior, so he could--in turn--contact his grandnephew Adam.

  5. You know; as in "Four to zeta-beam up to Mongo"?

  6. In the immortal words of Mr. Simreeve?

    "Yes, yes, and again, YES!"

  7. I remember the SPIDEE-WOMAN series. I found out years later that Jessica Drew was voiced by Joan Van Ark, a whole other level of impressive there...

  8. If only the cartoon's format hadn't so radically departed from the mainstream comic. :-(

  9. Ach, so the Gordon's weren't able to have the Thanksgiving get-together that I had hoped for them. Holiday travel is getting crazier these days.

  10. I totally do not remember the Spider-Woman cartoon. Now I need to go see if it's on Disney+.

    As for this story, you'll now be obligated to do a follow-up where these two actually locate Babs' dad. Maybe they'd have a little help from Jessica's cousin Nancy. And if Adam Strange does get involved (as the above Anonymous suggests, and I concur), it may need to happen in a 100-page spectacular (perhaps #4100). Then you could also include not only Cary's suggested Doc Strange and the Liberator, but also Adam's brother Stephen. And of course Ming could have allies such as Mongul, Thanos, Skeletor, etc.

  11. She might have been the first one out of the comics, but the anthology Super 7 by Filmation (no relation to the toy company) featured Web Woman, a heroine with power over insects, so that's the first animated superheroine I know of. Additionally Isis (the same live action character) was part of the animated Freedom Force segment and a few other heroines part of a couple or team.

  12. So, I hear that #3900 is due circa Dec. 13, 2022. In which case, allow me to be the first to offer you congratulations, Ross. :-)

  13. P.S. @ Bob Greenwade: it very well could be. It was produced by DePatie-Freleng Productions (of PINK PANTHER:TAS fame) which, back then, was a sister company of Marvel Entertainment.

  14. @ Bob Greenwade: There’s some bits and pieces of her cartoon on YouTube.

  15. @Bob G. Theme.

    Meets spider-man.
