Friday, July 15, 2022

Shaman and Dawnstar


For those of you who were wondering why Dawnstar was not a member of Wing Command, well, she's from a different century - but that doesn't mean that she can't visit!  

I used an image of her by the incredibly talented Gary Frank.  I was lucky enough to pick up an original page of his many years back:


  1. I love the wash treatment from the time bubble...and is that something we could use right now. That was JB again? He is so missed already. Where's a pocket universe when you really need one? L O V E this cover.

  2. This is indeed a nice cover, Ross, and a nice Native American tie between the two characters.

    Maybe on some future cover, Dawnstar can make a guest appearance with Wing Command.

  3. In the meantime, at least we now know why Dawnstar was absent from the cover of STF #3546. She was already in transit to 21st-century Canada to recruit Shaman's help against Dormadru! Or is that "Mordramamu"?

  4. @Cary: Or "Dormordru"?

    Or "Dramamine" (because the Legion of Galactic Guardians is sick of him)?🙃

  5. @Kid Charlemagne: lol! Good one!!!

  6. @Cary (& Kid C): Could he have a monastic cult called Mordramammu's Doom Order"?

  7. Sounds more like what'd he request at a Latverian fast food drive-through.

    "Your order, sir?"

    "A Doomburger and fries. With a chocolate Vic-shake."

  8. Good pun! Take all the cookies.
