Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Secret Society of Super-Villains and Mephisto (And More!)


For this Anniversary Issue, I thought I would go with a theme of villain team-ups.  I was delighted to see Frog-Man appear in the trailer for Disney's She-Hulk: Attorney at Law series. I can't wait to see how he is realized and I love that Marvel is digging deep into their character files for the show.  I can't help but laugh that Frog-Man will show up in the MCU before Mephisto, who remains a no show after multiple rumors.


  1. Maybe Mephisto has been the friends we meet along the way the whole time.

  2. Ha! Ross, I remember buying this comic of the Secret Society of Super-Villains at a garage sale as a kid. I think it was in the DC Special series or something similar. It is great when I can remember reading some of the comics that you use for your Team-Ups. It a bit like reliving some of my childhood. Keep up the great work!
    from Ordinaryguy2

  3. What Ordinaryguy2 said.

    Thanks for the nostalgia, Ross! :-)

  4. What everybody else.


  5. Agreeing with everything else, plus:

    The Rogues will regret this.

  6. Now I want to see a team up between the dastardly villains Condiment King and Brick Frog.

  7. Say, shouldn’t that read,”Leap-Frog is recruited by the Rogues!” Frogman is the wannabe hero son of Leap-Frog the silver age daredevil villain

  8. Say, speaking of the Rogues, there aren't a lot of single-hero rogues' galleries who have a literal name for themselves. The closest one that comes to mind in Marvel is the Sinister Six. Maybe some future cover can feature a pairing (either teaming up, tag-teaming, or fighting) between these two groups.

  9. "Secret Society of Single Super-villains?"

    "Single Super-Villains Unlimited?"

    Nah! You're right, Bob. Those sound too much like match-making services.

  10. Batman and Daredevil VS Joker and Jester? That would be a great story!

  11. Dear Google: this is Carycomic. Legitimately! :P

  12. I'd read this comic.
    I'd PAY to read this comic.

  13. Kid brother: "Dave; what's 'extravaganza' mean?"

    Big brother: "It's when you buy one vaganza at the regular price, you get an extra vaganza for free!"

  14. 3700! Incredible Ross! I feel the power of evil coursing through me already!

  15. This means... less than a year until #4000!!!

  16. Well, let's see.

    #3800; circa September 8, 2022.
    #3900; circa December 17, 2022.
    #4000; circa March 27, 2023!!!!

    Mr. Greenwade? You're a genius. :-)

  17. @Cary: Not so much. It was 300 days until #4000, and there are 365 days in a year, so it was easy. (Plus, my IQ's only 133, which is 7 shy of officially being a "genius," in that sense.)

  18. Reminds me of an old riddle: Why should you never eat more than 239 baked beans?

  19. I especially like The Joker Joins the Jester!

  20. I wonder how Shadow Thief would do against Warlord Kaa?

  21. I wonder if Deadman could stay in charge of Silver Age Carl Sands in Shadow Thief mode?

  22. @Cary: only the Shadow Thief knows. ;-)

  23. What I'd truly like to know is if Dr. Spectrum was sent after Sinestro on the orders of his Lady-and-Mistress Star Sapphire?

    See STF #3509 @ 11/21/21.
