Saturday, May 7, 2022

Deadpool and Hitman


This is a pairing that I would love to see. Neither of these guys are shy about getting into violent confrontations and they both have a pretty cynical view of the super-heroic adventures that they get caught up in.  The conversations between them alone would be enough for an entertaining story.


  1. Hitman was one of my favorite series! I love Garth Ennis.

  2. Not bad! Do you think you'll ever do a sequel featuring Deadpool, Kickass, and Hit Girl?

  3. I second that emotion. After all, Hit Girl's only been depicted three times...and Kick-Ass only once!

  4. My first thought was, what about Hitman and Hit Monkey?

  5. Hitman met both Hit-Girl and Hit Monkey in STF #2210 - The Hit Squad.

  6. I had this love/hate relationship with Garth Ennis works, but Hitman was really something special.

  7. Was there ever a crossover between HIT MAN & 100 BULLETS published by DC?

  8. Maybe you could bring together a team centered around Ms. Marvel and Miss Martian, and then later put them against the Hit Squad for "Hit and Miss!"

  9. Another weird thought: Ace (from Doctor Who) and Harley Quinn, with their respective baseball bats. They'd be in a league of their own....

  10. I thought by now you would have honored Neal Adams unexpected passing. He along with Jose García Lopez defined DC for generations and Neal also made huge strides in creator rights.

    I loved meeting him yearly at Heroes Con and honestly I was anticipating to do so once more this June. 😭

  11. I remember when the Justice League held an "open call" for potential new members, and Hitman was one of the people who turned up... just so that he could use his 'X-ray vision' to see through Wonder Woman's costume!

  12. Speaking of comic artists passing away, I just learned that George Pérez now belongs to that category.

  13. I did an Adams tribute on my Twitter and FB Fanpage.

  14. It's a different time now since Dirty Harry came along, I get it. But it would be an interesting challenge to have heroes with higher values like Doc Savage, The Spirit or even the Batman from the old days take these guys on. Kind of like the problems Superman faced in Kingdom Come. Just askin'.

  15. Still, an Adams/Pérez cover acknowledging these two industry heroes might be a good thing.
