Monday, May 23, 2022

Adam Strange Vs. Annihilus


One of the cool things about The Fantastic Four coming to the MCU is that their exploring ways will also allow the opportunity to introduce lots of cool new locations in the Marvel Universe.  On the top of my list would be The Negative Zone, complete with Annihilus and Blastaar as villains.   Other than a Thing/Hulk fight, there's nothing I'd like to see more in a new FF movie.


  1. Thanks, Ross, for another great cover. I know you get a ton of requests, but any chance, given the last few weeks, you could do a Neal Adams / George Perez cover?

  2. I didn't think Annie's cosmic control rod was capable of controlling the zeta beam's energy. Is the beam negatively charged?

  3. There will definitely be more covers featuring Adams and Perez art (today's has a Perez starfield), though not necessarily together.

  4. Bravo, Ross! Fantastic cutting and pasting. :-)

  5. Or whatever the precise terminology is.*

    *There are times I still refer to being on-line as "on the air"!

  6. Who the main villain is for the new Fantastic Four reboot going to be is still a matter of speculation at this point (probably even for those working on it), other than that it won't be Doctor Doom. While my preference would be Mole-Man, I think Annihilus is actually the most likely, in part because he was the main villain in the Ultimate Fantastic Four's origin story.

    The two characters people are most wanting to see Hulk fight are Wolverine and the Thing, and fortunately Mark Ruffalo is one of those people. I think we can expect to see both of those in the not-too-distant future.

    Back to Annihilus, specifically today's cover: This story is intriguing. Is the big guy planning to use Adam as a tool to attack the Fantastic Four, the JLA, or Adam's brother Stephen? This calls for a follow-up....

    PS: With Thor: Love and Thunder coming to theaters soon, perhaps we could get "Mighty Thor" (Jane Foster) on a cover soon? Maybe she could be teamed with The Question (Renée Montoya), on a theme of "women who took men's superhero identities (and arguably did them better)."

  7. Wouldn't it be something if Galactus (from STF #3690) was finally going after the Negative Zone? And Annihilus wants to employ the zeta beam as a means of sending Big G to Rann!

  8. I can see the thought balloon, now: "Better Ran than Arthros."

  9. Looks like Adam Strange is a Byrne victim. Okay, it's Monday, have mercy. I've only now just picked up on the Strange Family tree that Ross has set up. Adam Strange and Flash Gordon have teamed up a couple times, so maybe there will be a big family get together with the Gordon's and the Strange's. Barbara marries ______?

    Here's hopin'that Kevin Feige can break the old Roger Corman FF movie curse.

  10. @Ken: If Barbara marries anyone but Grayson, that'd be more than strange. It would literally be unbelievable! And, as for this curse; you mean, it's the 90 year-old--ahem!--the old 90-day wonder who directed that 1994 fiasco?

    No wonder it never got released! It deserved to never get seen.
