Thursday, February 17, 2022

Uncle Scrooge and Snoopy


I'm a huge fan of the Apollo program and love learning new details about the 11 missions.  Also being a lifelong fan of comics, it always pleased me that Snoopy had an association with the space program, even becoming NASA's mascot. It's cool to see two of your passions join forces.


  1. This is your best title, yet!!!! :-D

  2. Big space buff as well. Built a model of darned-near everything.

  3. I couldn't swear to it, but what memory I have tells me that Apollo and Star Trek were what really sparked my interest in space exploration. I even had a complete Major Matt Mason set.

    PS: I don't recall whether you've ever used this title before, but if you put Deadman together with Richard Castle, you could call it "Ghost Writer!"

  4. Another fun (but unlikely) combo: Wundarr the Aquarian and Thundarr the Barbarian!

  5. A bit of trivia on the numbering of the Apollo missions:

    (Yes, I'm plugging my own blog....)

  6. Oh no! It's one of The Beagle Boys!

  7. "The Beagle has landed."

  8. The very first book I borrowed from my local public library was a giant illustrated science book about the NASA Space Program presented by Snoopy and the Peanuts Gang!! That image of Snoopy, in an astronauts suit, waving the American Flag was memorably on the cover or on a prominent page! Ahh, innocent childhood memories.
