Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Captain America and The Suicide Squad


Upon completing this entry, I made one new rule for myself going forward: No more barbed wire and chain link fences!  Man, this was a tough one to do.  Separating the fencing from the background was very painstaking and took much longer than I had expected.  Then I realized it wasn't working to just stick the Squad members behind that layer, and I wound up having to digitally separate them and add back in to make sure nobody was too obscured by any foreground elements or each other.  This turned out to be a pretty challenging cover, but I am happy with the final results.


  1. Great job. Would Cap be able to get more from them than Batman?

  2. Fantastic cover. Ostrander's Squad is my only Squad (and one of my absolute favorite books of the 80s)

  3. Your labours have paid off handsomely. This cover generates plenty of 'how on earth did they get into this?' and lots of that magic ingredient 'what's going to happen next?'
    Thanks for the behind-the-curtain insight, wizard. Up to now I hadn't appreciated how much extra effort some of your little masterpieces might demand.

  4. Great job. The work really shows and you have created one of your classic tales that would have sold out the first printing in record time. I bet some good future stories would come from this matchup.

  5. I have to agree with Jeff. If it were anybody else in the foreground, even Batman, it might be ambiguous as to who was on the _inside_ of the fence looking out. But, with Captain America, there's no doubt whatsoever.

    The Wall has finally come tumbling down.

  6. It was worth the effort, but please don’t do this to yourself again

  7. Agree with Roctober Reviews. Your extreme labors on this paid off quite handsomely, but not handsomely enough to try something like this again.

    And Cary's on to something here: On some future cover, we should have Cap confronting Waller and threatening to have the program shut down.

  8. Great cover. Abd I have to say that this version of the Suicide Squad was the best. Wish it had lasted longer.

  9. Glad you guys appreciated this one - makes it all worth it!

  10. Wow! Incredible. And with the multifaceted Captain's back in the foreground, it looks even more dimensional.

  11. I agree about this being worth it, but also in saying "Don't put yourself through so much again for our sake."

    Also agree about this being the best squad.

    H'mmm, I wonder whether that's really Cap or if it's actually Nemesis in yet another disguise?

  12. I really enjoyed McDonnell's art on Suicide Squad, but don't remember seeing him in much else. Wonder what he's up to today..
