Friday, February 25, 2022

Tintin and The Silver Surfer


Tintin must have acquired that beacon when he first met The Silver Surfer in STF #2087.  Let's hope our friend Norrin has a good reason for leaving him stranded.  I'm guessing that the Surfer will not be introduced into the MCU until Galactus is, and that seems like something that will unfold slowly over several years, so it's probably too soon for any casting rumors floating about.  If they want to go with a big name, I still think that Keanu Reeves could be cool in the role.


  1. Maybe he's not stopping because Snowy did his business on Toomey...

  2. Norrin probably knows that Tintin and Snowy can hitch a ride back to Earth with the Scrooge McDuck expedition.*

    *See STF #3597.

  3. P.S---Keanu Reeves as Galactus?! Heinous!

  4. Keanu Reeves as Norrin would be, well, Radd,* even though he's 57 and probably couldn't last too long before having to bow out of the role. (If he'd gotten Namor, as I'd hoped, he could've stayed with it for almost the rest of his life.)

    What would y'all say about Arthur Darvill playing the Silver Surfer?

    For Galactus, I'm hoping they get someone who's naturally large -- not just tall, but also burly, like Paul "Big Show" Wight.

    I think both of these characters will probably be introduced during Marvel's Phase Five. The Surfer could first show up in a Captain Marvel, Eternals, or Guardians of the Galaxy movie, with Galactus making his first appearance in a post-credits scene and becoming a bit less tangential in one of the other two before heading to Earth for the big crossover... and, hopefully, we'll see the Watcher and Reed Richards fulfill the same roles in that adventure that they did with Galactus' first visit to Earth in the comics.

    Regarding the situation on the cover here, I imagine that Norrin is aware of some danger that has to be taken care of before he can transport Tintin and Snowy back home.

    *Pun quite obviously intended.

  5. So, in other words, neither malice nor indifference are the reasons he's "ig-Norrin" them.

  6. Have you done a Johnny Quest and tin tin team up? That seems a natural paring.

  7. @ O'Carey: see STF #'s 186 and 187.
