Saturday, February 26, 2022

Supergirl and Ms. Marvel in: "Circe's Serpent!"

 For this 11th cover featuring The Danvers Twins, I figured that I would go the animated series route.  This also gave me the opportunity to utilize the always awesome artwork of Bruce Timm.  I was lucky enough to pick up a sketch by him several years back:


  1. Horsefeathers by tradeFebruary 26, 2022 at 7:03 AM

    Circe and S&M...wha a cover. Only question is who was the worm before Circe remade it into her favorite sex toy?

  2. How many different covers is that patched together.

  3. Quite a cool cover here, Ross! I don't recall seeing Ms. Marvel in animation, but then again I was more interested in DC's animated universe through most of the 90s and 00s (the X-Men series being a significant exception). I really need to look through some of those old Marvel toons.

    I've generally felt, too, that Supergirl got a short deal* on this costume. I find it to be the least visually appealing of anything she's ever worn. The white midriff-baring T-shirt really makes her look more like a middle-school fangirl than the real deal (cape or no cape). The three costumes worn by Melissa Benoist over the course of the Supergirl show (the skirt, the pants, and especially the armor) were my favorites.

    And hopefully we'll someday get to see a Benoist/Larson photo cover. (The Amell/Renner cover a couple of years ago was one of the most pleasant surprises I've had!)

    And backing up to animated series: I know Batman has worked with the X-Men before on this blog, but I don't think they've ever met in their animated versions. Those were the top shows from their respective companies at the time, so it stands to reason that if Marvel and DC had ever done a crossover event, it would've started with the top shows.

    *Pun not intended but appreciated.

  4. Ingenious! But, when did Ms. Marvel ever get animated? Let alone, in her Warbird costume?

    1. The "pre MCU" based "Earth Mightiest Heroes Avengers" animated series... if you have Disney Plus you will see it... it's not based on the MCU... she appears during Season 2... episode 4... but she doesn't wear thr Warbird costume but the original Ms Marvel costume when she was paying homage to Captain Mar-Vell

  5. still hoping for human torch frost team up or ice maiden or just ice with them trying to rescue pat benetar

  6. @Horsefeathers: maybe it's one of the minor sea gods of Greek mythology. Like Glaucus or Proteus.

  7. She wasn't animated, the image is from a sketch by Timm.

  8. @Ross: Ah! Thanks for the clear-up. :-)

  9. @ Bob Greenwade, you mentioned you likes Melissa Benoist's costumes, considering they're well over 30 years old. First seen in the pages of Action Comics, Adventure Adventure, etc.

  10. @Paul: The skirt costume is one of the older classics. The other two are more contemporary.

  11. Re: the white cut-off T-shirt and the blue midi-skirt? They're almost thirty years-old! And it occurs to me that, 30 years ago, I never would've considered that vintage "contemporary."

    LOL! How we do modify our psychological clocks as we get older. :-)

  12. Add Mirror Master into the mix with both the DC and Marvel Circe a nd you could have a circle of Circe to be a threat.
    Since Supergirl didn't stay on CBS, I wonder if Arrow or Flash would have been able to?

  13. @Det. Tobor: Like the total quantity of Tootise Pop center bites?

    "The world will never know."

  14. @Anon@5:58: Melissa Benoist never wore that costume; that's the one I'm comparing hers against. Her other two were, as I said, the later one with full-coverage tights, and the armor she wore when there was Kryptonite involved.

  15. @ Bob Greenwade.. even though Ms. Benoist never wore this particula costume from the 90's The uni-tard costume they stuck her in just like Superman unfortunately, came out in Adventure Comics in 1972 and thank the stars only lasted two comics.
