Friday, February 11, 2022

Ghost Rider on The Planet of the Apes


I'm not sure what the set up might be to a story like this, but I know that I would certainly be interested in discovering the resolution.  Sometimes it's more about the visuals, and a tale the features a Hell-spawned hero on a flaming bike waging war on a society of super intelligent apes would definitely provide lots of cool opportunities.


  1. This is definitely one of the stranger pairings on this blog. I imagine that part of the setup would be yet another timestorm, and that GR's main target would be the leader of those merciless gorillas.

  2. Personally, I think GR was a traveling companion of Mr. Miracle (see STF #3334) who was there to recover Granny Goodness' abandoned "pet" (see STF #3552). The latter having first been captured by her sometime post-STF #1890!

  3. @Carycomic: she must have needed one big Mother Box to do it! Or, at least, one powerful enough to generate a proportionately big boom tube.* But, either way, I can just picture Johnny Blaze having been recruited by Hellboy--F3's teammate from The D***ed--to affect the rescue. As he's still wary about Apokoliptan "hospitality" following his escape from Darkseid (see STF #3071).

    *A Fin Fang Foom-tube, if you will.

  4. P.S. @ Ross--any chance of a "Fin Fang Foom v.King Kong" cover?

  5. @Ross: or, failing that, how about Ghost Rider and Hellboy vs. Judge Death?

  6. This is a great pairing. GR's duties as spirit of vengeance don't expire just because the apes took over!

  7. But, who's he avenging? Mr. Miracle; the Omega Bomb-worshiping telepaths from BENEATH THE POTA; Hit Monkey?!

  8. Love the picture. Not wild about the dressed cover.

    But you ARE right, I would definitely be tempted to find out the answers to all the questions the image raises.

  9. "Dressed cover?!"

    I would say that helmeted ape is wearing a ceremonial robe (a la Tibetan Buddhist priests) more than a dress.

  10. I just assume it's all weird multiversal collisions drawing characters to other worlds, and that Access or someone shows up at the end and puts things right. Granted that's a bit harder with all the cross-universe marriages and relations so maybe that's just the case for the really impossible team-ups.

  11. Especially when you consider some of those team-ups might be the result of the Impossible Man (last seen in STF #2650)!
