Thursday, February 10, 2022

Booster Gold & Blue Beetle and The Fantastic Four


DC keeps teasing movie plans for Blue Beetle and Booster Gold, separately and together, but nothing yet seems to stick.  The latest rumor is that Donald Faison's mysterious role when he joins DC's Legends of Tomorrow with be that of Booster.  I suppose that's something, but I have long since given up on that show having much if any fidelity to the actual DC comics line. Let's hope we are pleasantly surprised, either with the TV role or concrete movie plans.


  1. If Hawkgirl, Hawkman, Rip Hunter, and Waverider can be screwed up with such new back stories and the Fantastic Four did not do well each time at the box office AND Smallville has been the longest lasting live action super hero show without a superhero
    HURAY FOR HOLLYWOOD where every act of theirs is to make you feel good

    You'll see a scientist on a show with different bugs on his wall call out " I'll become a Blue Beetle!"

    yes sir you've got a lot to look forwards to.

  2. English translaton? Tobor and I have given up hope of being pleasantly surprised. Well I have, anyway. At least, with regard to the CW shows!

    Re: today's cover; What was previously considered the FF's greatest defeat? Having the Impossible Man, instead of Spidey, as a fantastic fifth member?

  3. I'm not really going to expect DC's Legends of Tomorrow to have much fidelity with the comics, when up to half of the crew are characters created for either the show or one of those it's spun off from (Sara, Ava, Gary, Spooner, Astra, Gideon). Said characters aren't necessarily bad additions though (Gary's a hoot). I do think that Booster Gold could fit right in without too many changes to the character, and fans have been wanting him added as either a regular or recurring character for a few years now, so I think there's reason for hope in that regard.

    There's not nearly as much reason there, though, then there is for hope that the new Fantastic Four will knock our socks off. I don't think we'll be seeing the return of Gruffudd, Alba, Evans, and Chiklis, but I think we can look forward to something at least that good, and probably much better -- especially considering that it's not only being guided by Kevin Feige, but also directed by Jon Watts, the same guy that did Spider-Man: No Way Home.

    As for today's cover, there's one thing missing -- Ben's retort to Beetle's comment: "I'm sayin'!"

  4. It's still called "DC's Legends of Tomorrow," even though there isn't a single DC character left in the cast. Arguably Steel, but except for the name, he has nothing in common with the comics version.

  5. @Other Bob: Behrad and Zari Tarazi/Tomaz are Amon and Adrianna Tomaz from the comics, respectively Isis and Osiris. And Nate really is pretty close to his comics counterpart, Citizen Steel. (The characters' personalities are jumbled around, of course, but that's part of a pattern set when Ted Kord's personality landed in Ray Palmer's body.)

  6. Speaking of "bodies," has anyone ever thought to suggest a team-up between Marvel's Ghost and his DC/Charlton namesake? Like, for instance, the former turning out to be Gary "Firebrand" Gilbert continuing his one-man war on over-industrialization using matter-phasing technology derived from Alec Rois?

  7. @Cary: Don't you think Dark Horse's Elisa Cameron might get involved in that?

  8. With Ross' help, there might be a "Ghost" of a chance. ;-)

  9. Insert nauseated groan here. :-(

  10. @Anon420: *Insert shrug icon here.* You can't win them all!
