Friday, December 10, 2021

Robocop and The Atom

The Atom is yet another DC character that has a movie in the planning stages.  It's very early yet, so we don't know if the film will focus on Ray Palmer, Ryan Choi or both.  I'm guessing Choi, but I hope that Palmer will still be involved somehow, perhaps in a mentorship role.   Also not clear yet is if this will be a theatrical release or go directly to HBO Max.  Let's just hope the movie actually gets underway, too many DC projects are announced and then just seem to disappear,


  1. Their disappearance is probably due to shrunken budgets.


  2. *GROAN!*

    The rest of Microforce should be arresting Anonymous for violating the laws on pun control!

  3. *Sigh!* Everybody's a critic. Fine, then! Let me try to think up something serious to say about today's cover-sim that won't sound like an overly used cliche.

    First off? It's a great concept that I don't think you've ever used here before. The Atom using his old phone-in bit to infiltrate Robocop's car! That, in turn, makes me understand why Robocop is so annoyed. The Atom's successful arrival means his patrol unit's communication system is NOT 100% secure!

    Still, I can also understand the Atom's sense of practicality over protocol. With Chronos trying to loot Delta City (and the JLA no longer headquartered in Detroit), time is literally of the essence!

    In short? I would buy this off a real-world news stand faster than you can say "Candelario, Pasarin, and Sullivan, attys-at-law."

  4. Choi finally appeared in a comics accurate Atom costume in last week's episode of the Flash, an episode that was better in quality than it has been in years.

  5. I was about to point out what Ed said. Yeah, Osric Chau's return as Ryan Choi was a pleasant surprise for me last week, and his suiting up as Atom this week was a treat. The episode took place in a future that no longer exists, but hopefully we'll get to see a present-day event with him suiting up (maybe even next week's episode).

    As for DC movies, I'll believe they're happening when principal shooting starts. That side of things has just been one train wreck after another, with only Wonder Woman and Shazam! spared any damage.

  6. I almost forgot to mention: This is one of those pairings that the publishers might actually attempt if they were so inclined. Given the time-travel element, I think Booster Gold or the Flash would be more likely DC heroes for the given plot, but otherwise the cover is spot-on. (Besides, who's to say that Dr. Palmer didn't find some way to follow Chronos to Robocop's future?)

  7. The Justice League Detroit definitely need to recruit Robocop at some point XD

  8. @ Bob G.: I was thinking of Prof. Hyatt's Time Pool. Haven't seen that used in way too long.

  9. Maybe it got ret-conned out of existence...along with Jade and Obsidian Scott.

  10. @Carycomic: I prefer to think it's merely on Hyatt-us.
