Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Green Lantern and Nightcrawler


This marks the 4000th cover that I have posted on this blog! I never though I would reach this point, but here we are!

 It is also Part Two of a Three Part Epic - We now see why Logan is seeking the Corps' help:  His teammate is in trouble on Hoth! Make sure that you stop by tomorrow to see how everything plays out in the exciting conclusion!


  1. 4000?? W.O.W.!!!!!!CONGRATULATIONS may be in order. I just don't want to rush it. And with his free time, Ross designs small affordable atomic buildings for helping you to go anywhere in the STF universe you want.

  2. You mean, even the Man-Who-Is-The-Best-There-Is-At-What-He-Does is no match for one lone wampa beast?! It must be part-woolly veermok.

  3. Prediction: the next chapter is the Wampa teaming up with Nightcrawler, Wolvie and the GLC when Galactus tries to eat Hoth

  4. Hal (or is that Kyle?) looks pretty badly injured there. Clearly he got the worst part of the "Wampa stompa."

    I hadn't noticed Xax on yesterday's cover, and I don't remember ever seeing him before. He might be an interesting character to explore here in the future, with team-up possibilities ranging from Ant-Man to Pinocchio.

    On another topic, I recently came across a very early vigilante character named the Grey Seal. I kind of doubt that any usable images can be found of him, but given his civilian name of Jimmie Dale, if one can be found it might be fun to team him up with Ch'p.

  5. Congratulations from me too. Not just quantity but outstanding quality too.

  6. Hyram Horace Horsefeathers Hoth out.November 2, 2021 at 11:47 AM

    Ch'p Ch'p Who-Ray!U've worked ur butt off a long time to make this come true Ross.
    But it would be nice to include Green Arrow with Wolverine with a ring. The Queen already worked with the other Solo guy in #393 and the current Arrow might get along with Logan better than his earth 2 self could.

  7. @Ross: Ah! Thanks for clearing that up.*

    *And, congratulations on your 4000th cover, too!

  8. An obvious labor of love, and i love viewing these. It's the first on-line item I look at daily, and sometimes it's the bright spot of my day, so thanks for that. Here's to 1000's more! 👍

  9. Let me offer my own belated congrats to everyone else's. That you did (if my math is correct) 510 simulations of long-lost Brave&Bold's and MTIO's before settling on these STF pastiches leaves me...awe-struck!
