Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Cyborg Superman Vs. Ultron


Superman and Lois has finished its first season, and it has been a very entertaining show.  I look forward to what they have in store for the future.  With John Henry Irons and The Eradicator already in place, not to mentioned Jordan Kent becoming somewhat of a Superboy as he discovers his powers, all they need to do is introduce Hank Henshaw as the Cyborg Superman, and the show will be able have its own take on Reign of the Supermen.  I hope the producers have something like that in mind.


  1. Since Hank was shown running the DEO on early Supergirl, that would be an interesting revision.

  2. Knowing how revisionist teleplay writers frequently have to be, he'll probably get introduced as part of a "Supergirl/Superman & Lois" crossover during the first Neilsen Sweeps of Fall 2021. Perhaps, as a (somewhat) sympathetic pawn of Brainiac!

    I mean, if that plot device can work for the Earth-STF version of Ultron... ;-)

  3. @Cary: what's wrong, dude? You said you didn't wanna think of everything!

    "Can I get Simreeve to 'Amen?' "

  4. To update Tobor on Henshaw's status (in case you didn't know), that individual turned out to be J'Onn J'Onzz, who had taken Henshaw's identity thinking he was dead. Henshaw later turned up alive, working with Project Cadmus, though his current status is unknown. So, that character was in play before Superman & Lois ever started, and I've been saying for half the season that the producers seem to be gearing up for The Death of Superman (and, by implication, Reign of the Supermen).

    @Anon@8:08: There will be no Supergirl/S&L crossover, since Supergirl is currently wrapping up its final season. I have no idea whether Kara will even be available for guest appearances after it's done.

  5. @Bob Greenwade: where Neilsen Sweeps are concerned, nothing ever proves impossible.

  6. As a matter of fact, 1 helping of semi-impossible is coming up. (Bob G, thanks but I try to stay up to date on the "paragons" of Crisis.)
    New rumor is that Alex will be guesting on Flash the way John Diggle Stewart(step dad's name) did earlier in the season. Story line is Armageddon, with Atom, Reverse Flash, and a few others so far. Supergirl may not be there but her sister lives beyond the show.

  7. Cyborg Superman opens a new level of "games". Him against Hyperion, Ultraman, and Doomsday (for starters). Yes, he can transfer his consciousness, but the question is
    without kryptonite to help, how fast will he run from these battles?

  8. The thought of Ultraman and Cyborg Superman teaming up (or, even more fun, competing with each other) against some hapless Marvel hero is an interesting thought. Spider-Man is an obvious choice, though Frog-Man, Hindsight Lad, Captain Ultra, or Forbrush Man are also good possibilities.

    Oh, and here's another sudden idea: Forbrush Man joining the Inferior Five! ("What do we call ourselves now? The Superfluous Six?")

  9. @Bob & Tobor: Thus, to paraphrase Miracle Max (from "The Princess Bride")?

    "Semi-impossible is still half-possible."

  10. From what I know about them, my money would be on Cyborg Superman (with the superior ability to hijack others' tech: He could probably handle Ultron as easily as Molecule Man did during the original 'Secret Wars' ) for victory over Ultron... especially as his own record for sneaky plans means that he'd be unlikely to fall for any of Ultron's tricks.
    Which raise the possibility that he's actually "playing posssum" in this scene, to lure Ultron into overconfidence, I suppose.

  11. @Anon@9:12: The problem is, by the November sweeps Supergirl will have long since had its series finale. Appearing on a show that's no longer in production isn't semi-impossible; it's the regular, original flavor of impossible.

    That isn't to say, of course, that Kara won't be around for a guest appearance on S&L; as I note above, I have no idea, and I doubt we'll find that out until the actual series finale. (My personal guess is that she will, but that's just my own feeling.) But a guest appearance is not the same as a crossover.

    @Simreeve: Speaking from a writer's perspective, this match would most likely end up in a draw, with both villains having taken some reparable damage but also having gained something that they can use in future conflicts. Hopefully Ross will make some vague allusion to that the next time they appear!

  12. @B%: that didn't stop Tasha Yar from coming back from the dead for one more episode of "Star Trek: TNG" after she was officially killed off by Armus one week earlier.

  13. English translation: the original flavor of impossible might get the New Coke treatment.

  14. @Anon@9:37/9:39: What was the ST:TNG episode after "All Good Things"?

    "Impossible" within a TV show is one thing. For someone to appear on a TV show that isn't in production any more? That's real-world "impossible."

  15. @Bob:

    1) Yep!

    2) Again, nope! As further evidence, I cite the guest-appearance of the late, great Simon McCorkindale on "Night Man" as the title character from "Manimal." A year or two after the latter series had been cancelled!

  16. @both of the above: Much as I'm loathe to admit it, Anon925 is--at the very least--half-right.

    Mr. MacCorkindale's guest-appearance on the second season of NIGHTMAN, as Professor Jonathan Chase, came _15_ years after the cancellation of MANIMAL.

  17. And in any event, nobody appeared on Manimal in that time-frame.

    And for that reason, an actual crossover between Superman & Lois and Supergirl would be impossible, since Tyler Hoechlin could not make a guest appearance on Supergirl after that show's concluded. If the Super-Cousins team up, it'll be with Melissa Benoist doing a guest appearance on S&L.

    (And I don't recall a TNG episode "Yep!" -- or by any other title -- that went out after "All Good Things.")

  18. @Bob: Anon was "yepping" in--erroneous--agreement with your guess.

    @Anon: Tasha Yar's last appearance on STAR TREK: TNG was the first season episode "Symbiosis" (aired--out of order--after the still-controversial "Skin of Evil").

    @both: "A rose, by any other name" is still a team-up."

  19. @Carycomic: tell that to Count Dracula in 1974's "Giant-Size Spider-Man Annual #1." The two of them had virtually no interaction with each other! So, in that one regard, I have to agree with Bob's p-o-v.

  20. I would love to see this in a comic! It might even be cool if Ultron and the Cyborg Superman were to go against the Borg!

  21. @Cary: brown-noser!
