Monday, August 30, 2021

Vixen and Tigra

Tigra is overdue for a live action debut, though she might be a tough character to pull off on screen.  I imagine that her outfit is considered too skimpy for Disney's standards, and her fur covered form will either require expensive CGI or a full-body makeup job to bring to life.  Still, I always liked her personality and time on the Avengers, so I hope she is introduced eventually.


  1. Seamless again. These two really look as if they have been working together for a long time. If you haven't paired them before then I certainly hope you do again. Is there a family relationship? Or maybe some other connection to do with their powers...

  2. Well, once again, this is where a cinematic debut of the Savage Land could come in handy. That Spidey/Kraven/FF scenario I outlined some days back? Buzz Baxter could be the military pilot who flies the rescue mission into the Savage Land to bring back the stranded quartet! And, during the initial misunderstanding with Tsiln (which causes the FF's super-powers to cease being dormant), it's revealed that Kraven has been living as "Balkatar" or chief of the sabertooth-worshiping Cat People.

    Anyway, when everyone gets back to McMurdo Naval Base (including war criminal Kraven, heavily shackled for extradition), it turns out that one of the cubs of the sacred sabertooth stowed away on the plane. Patsy Baxter finds the little furball and--in trying to coax him out of hiding--gets scratched.

    Inherent magic? A little bit of cosmic radiation absorbed from Tsiln? You're guess is as good as mine. But, the fact remains...Patsy morphs into Tigra!

    Here endeth the long-winded scenario.

  3. And, yes, Simreeve, I took the liberty of consolidating* several long-standing canonical Marvel Comic plot devices.

    *Ross doesn't like the word "amalgam." ;-)

  4. Greer Grant could be introduced in a sequel as an investigative reporter from Chicago trying to verify rumors of a Russian Mob hit man (code-name "Omega Red") being sent to NYC to take out Kraven. A preventive measure on behalf of one of those S.E. Asian drug cartels who are worried about a deal with the DEA in exchange for _not_ being extradited back to Russia!

    Patsy--as Tigra--gets wounded defending Kraven; she needs a blood transfusion to survive; Greer turns out to have the same blood type (AB-positive); and the semi-mystical morphing ability passes to the latter!*

    *Come on, Marvel/Disney! I can't think of everything for you.

  5. Ross doesn't like Amalgam?
    Here's an idea (if I'm correct about how Amalgam worked): the 2 'originals'(say Cap and Batman) fighting their Amalgamic avatar, maybe trying to split it into its component parts...?
    Or was there a combo of Aquaman and Submariner? It'd be a nice way of bringing the Atlantean lads back together...

  6. I never said I didn't like Amalgam. Those were cool. I just try not to make a crossover out of something that is already a crossover.

  7. Carycomic: Nice origin stories!I'd buy those issues.

    Davenjonz; Cap and Batman weren't Amalgamated with each other _ It was Cap with Superman (as 'Super-Soldier'), and Batman with Wolverine (as 'The Dark Claw').

  8. The X-Men movies always had Mystique basically nude requiring her whole body to be painted blue when in the comics she didn't have that much skin exposed. It would have been easier to adapt the look from the comics. With Tigra they could do the opposite and have the character wear a costume that covers more of her body, leaving just head, hands, and feet exposed. Still I feel like they would stick with the classic swimsuit look because it gets attention.

  9. They would probably use Tigra's look from the Contest of Champions game.

  10. Tigra getting her MCU debut will probably just be a matter of where to drop her in. New characters are dropping like crazy in just about every Marvel project, whether TV or movie, but these things have to be paced right, and the character has to fit the story.

    As for how to do it, I think percap (performance capture) is the way to go, just as they've done for so many characters already (Iron Man, Hulk, Spider-Man, Vision, Thanos, Korg, et al).

  11. Fantastic cover, Ross. Have always liked these two characters (even if I have cringed at how badly they've been used over the years). They'd make a great duo.
