Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Union Jack and Green Lantern

 I put these two characters together because in my opinion they are two of the coolest looking World War II superheroes.  Green Lantern mixes green, red, brown and purple and somehow makes it work.  I've seen a few different costumes based on the British flag, but Union Jack's is the most effective. They do look pretty sharp fighting side by side.


  1. In a way, Alan reminds me of Ralph Hinkly in that costume. Maybe any color combo can work if the hero as a strong enough presence.
    Love the title with the action in use.

  2. i agree i have always liked the golden age green lantern he is one of my favorite jsa the just works for me

  3. I love that you picked the version of Union Jack drawn by John Byrne. As initially drawn by Franks Robbins and Springer, he looked too much like Jonathan "the Scarecrow" Crane! Which is the same way they unfortunately drew Batman, in Detective Comics, during the early 1970's.

    As for the Bad Guys on this cover? I wonder if they were psychically dredged up by Lady Lotus (sexiest antagonist of the WWII-era Invaders)?

  4. Awesome! Looks like this story would be related to the Original HUMAN TORCH / HUMAN BOMB pairing from awhile back.

  5. The "viewpoint from behind the guns" cover has been done so much that it's the next best thing to a cliché, but for some reason this specific instance looks like it's been used before on the blog. Probably I'm mistaken; I can think of about (ahem) 3000 reasons for it to not have been.

    Speaking of that historical moment, since I've called it up I figure I might as well list the characters* that I'd like to see together for the "Green Lantern Special Force" gathering: The Thing, Power Man, the Rocketeer, Warlock, Daredevil, Spider-Man, and Godzilla.

    Along a similar vein, Uatu's been given a Blue Lantern right, but who else might get one? Mary Jane Watson? All-Might (from My Hero Academia, post-power loss)? The Toxic Avenger? Abe Sapein? Obi-Wan Kenobi?

    Along another similar vein: Marvel Zombies Become Black Lanterns!

    *Some of those listed in the original collection of covers are omitted from this list deliberately, for various reasons. For example, J. Jonah Jameson and Gollum seem more appropriate for other colors (red and orange respectively).

  6. Great cover.
    This needs to be an adventure in US Homefront since Green Lantern could not go to Europe. Maybe Union Jack is in US for a meeting and some Nazi agents or collaborators are sent to break it up.

  7. Good Eye Bob - I've used those particular Kubert guns b efore (#2242, #2084, #1827), probably time to retire them from my image library (I have a huge "foregrounds" section). This is the firs time they've been ghost guns though!

  8. Glenn said...
    Great cover.
    This needs to be an adventure in US Homefront since Green Lantern could not go to Europe. Maybe Union Jack is in US for a meeting and some Nazi agents or collaborators are sent to break it up."
    Green Lantern could not go to Axis-run parts of Europe: the UK would have been fine.

  9. @Bob & Ross: how about Black Lantern Ch'p and Marvel Zombie Squirrel Girl?

  10. @Ross: So for either #3400, #3500, or #4000, there really should be an acknowledgement of this set, with a salute to Joe. (But I'll give you a special pass if you use them again, and once again as ghost guns, in an all-Kubert cover!)

  11. Talking of ghosts, what non-DC characters would people here team-up with the Haunted Tank? The Howlers seem both too obvious and perhaps (in my opinion anyway) too "mundane"...

  12. @Simreeve: Given the HT's placement in WWII, I'd tend to start off with Captain America. Then maybe he can fall into some plot of Kang the Conqueror, or get mixed-up in something with Doctor Who or Back to the Future. Or, why not The Haunted Tank on the Planet of the Apes?

  13. But, I still think the ghost gunmen being pawns of Lady Lotus is the more logical route to go. If only as part of another attempt by the Green Dragon Tong of Gotham City's Chinatown to get hold of Golden Age GL's power ring!

  14. If it weren't for the fact that there are five gun barrels, my first guess would be that this is the Golden Age trio known as the Ghost Patrol being mystically mind-controlled.

    The brain-children of writer Ted Udall and artist Frank Harry, Fred, Pedro, and Slim were aviators in the French Foreign Legion who were ordered by their c.o. (secretly, a Nazi sympathizer) to bomb some innocent North African villagers. Their chief ground crewman couldn't allow this and secretly sabotaged their planes, not knowing that the trio would choose to disobey their orders and drop their payload in the uninhabited deep desert. Coming back in the same manner as the future Boston Brand, the Ghost Patrol decided to use their new ectoplasmic talents to aid the war effort.

    In short; maybe Sergeant Fury could do a team-up with them. Maybe in your next Veterans' Day "issue!"

  15. @Bob and Cary: failing all that, I'd settle for the "ghost gunmen" being 20th-century Bgtzlians under the influence of the Lemurian Serpent Crown as worn by...

    ...Per Degaton!

  16. H. Horace HorsefeathersJuly 21, 2021 at 10:19 PM

    what non-DC characters would people here team-up with the Haunted Tank? BOB HOPE....
    Tanks for the Memories.
    Bobby Drake - Shelled and Chilled

    1. The Dukes of Hazzard and the Haunted Tank would be fun.

  17. Dukes of Hazzard meeting the Man-Thing would be even better!

  18. Boss Hogg said...
    "The Dukes of Hazzard and the Haunted Tank would be fun."


  19. @Simreeve; well, maybe.

  20. But, personally, I'd prefer Man-thing meets the haunted Tank!

  21. If only so they could team up against the Golden Age Heap!
