Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Venom Vs. Bane

Even though the first Venom movie was kind of crazy and over the top, I did get a kick out of it.  The sequel promises to be lots of fun as well.  Director Andy Serkis is the undisputed master of motion-capture characters and he seems like a perfect choice to be calling the shots behind the camera.  I can't wait to see how Carnage is realized on screen - both the CGI and Woody Harrelson's performance.   Hopefully we'll see some footage soon.


  1. Horsefeathers up, over and inMarch 31, 2021 at 7:58 AM

    ooohhhh. Bane don't know them so well, do he?
    Venom is not like Bruce in costume any more than Venom is Bane's venom.

  2. Horsefeathers crying out DUCK!March 31, 2021 at 8:01 AM

    Venom covering Daffy could get interesting.

  3. Eh! I thought the Venom who battled Spidey in the third McGuire movie was a lot closer to the one who initially battled him in the mainstream mag.

    That being said, a real-world issue like this would probably prove an even more classic tag team match than Spidey vs. Morbius vs. Man-Wolf!

  4. I'm with Horsefeathers on this fight: Bane's about to find out that tossing a conscious Venom off a high building is a pretty futile gesture. And then, talk about "refusal to cooperate..."!

    I also agree about Venom & Daffy. I don't know that there's a way to do that, but if there is it'd be fun to see.

    I also see that #3300 is less than a month away, and I'm already eager to see what you have cooked up. Maybe something featuring all of the characters to whom you've given Green Lantern rings in the past? (Or maybe that should be its own mid-cycle cover. Or even an "STF Team" cover -- "Green Lantern Special Squad" or something.)

    And about a month after that is #3333, which really deserves to have more 3s involved -- something like Triplicate Girl and the Three Amigos.

  5. Bob Greenwade said...And about a month after that is #3333, which really deserves to have more 3s involved -- something like Triplicate Girl and the Three Amigos.

    For #3333, how about Triplicate Girl/Triad and Jamie Madrox the Multiple Man vs. Multiplex?

  6. Bane goes down hard in this battle I’m afraid. Great cover too!!

  7. Three caballeros?

  8. @Chuck: Nothing 3-ish about Madrox or Multiplex. Maybe TG and the Warriors Three? Or the Impossibles? Or TG versus Cerberus (the giant Greek three-headed dog) or King Ghidorah?

  9. Dear Bob: Ross already did a gallery-style compilation of GL's back in STF #3000. Remember?

  10. @Anon@12:16: Yes, I do remember. That's what inspired my idea to have them all share a single cover.

  11. Comment Deleted couldn't haveApril 9, 2021 at 2:19 AM

    Bob Greenwade said..
    I also agree about Venom & Daffy. I don't know that there's a way to do that, but if there is it'd be fun to see.

    Simple as pi. Tell Daffy that they haven't gotten the Bugs out. He'll jump at the chance to play Venom.

  12. @Bob G. & Comment Delete Ed: I don't think poor Ross has the band width. :-(
