Saturday, February 13, 2021

The Creeper Vs. The Prowler

One of the many aspects of Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse that I really enjoyed was the use of The Prowler, a cool character that I did not expect to show up in a movie.  The way he was depicted made him even cooler, I loved the way the animators moved him around on the screen.  Rumor has it that for the upcoming sequel, Spidey villain C-lister The Spot will be a main antagonist.   He is a very fun character visually, and I hope he does indeed appear because I'm betting that there will be some great and inventive action scenes using his unique power set.

Thanks to STF visitor Wolfhammer for suggesting this team up!


  1. A lot of story has to happen for that title to work. Nice to see the early Mr C. again.

  2. @Tobor: maybe The Prowler was framed by the Creeper's arch-enemy. The Chameleon-like impersonator known as Proteus! I mean, it's hard to fake the combo of required skill set and full-face mask. But, not impossible.

    Plus, it'd be a suitable homage to the late, great Steve Ditko.

  3. Jeepers Creepers, where'd ya get those peepers? Or rather Prowler.
    Always thought Ditko's Creeper was very cool.

  4. Bringing in The Spot will be cool, but I'd love to see Will-o-the-Wisp brought in, too.

  5. Yeah!!!!! Thanks Ross, you rule! Now maybe that Green Arrow/Blade team-up coming soon? Take care!

  6. Horsefeathers doing slight of handFebruary 13, 2021 at 9:27 AM

    DICK GIORDANO's work is as sharp as he was.
    Never been a fan of the Prowler, ok character. You could create a group from all the characters with the same reason for being.
    Want All Access movie. That would be magic.

  7. The Prowler (Aaron Davis) also had an out-of-costume cameo in Spider-Man: Homecoming. (It probably was pre-costume, in fact, and we may see Hobie Brown as the Prowler before Aaron takes up the mantle.)

    Of course, probably the greatest all-Ditko cover you could do would be revisiting Peter Parker and Ted Kord, arguably his most popular characters from the respective companies. They've met twice on this blog, though the first time didn't have any artist tags and the second wasn't Ditko at all.

    On another note, I think it might be cool to see Thunder & Lightning with Cloak & Dagger.

  8. I'd love to see classic Creeper vs. Sub-Mariner...a meeting of the green trunks society, two of my favorite characters from their respective companies. The Creeper's unorthodox style and Namor's regal attitude could make for a fun adversarial team up.

  9. Now, that would be even more fitting! Seeing how Proteus was also the name of a minor sea god in Greek mythology. The one whose magic conch horn controls all those giant cetaceanoids.

  10. Ooops! Almost forgot. Dnsokc? You're a genius. :-)

  11. I absolutely love this! Creeper is one of my favorite obscure DC heroes and Prowler one of my favorite Marvel heroes. Neither had been particularly well-used since their initial run of stories. I would buy this issue in a flash!

  12. Bob G, which Thunder and Lightning do you mean? The half-Vietnamese, half-alien twins, or the daughters of. Black Lightning?

  13. Has Amazo, Mimic & Super Adaptoid tried taking on Galactus?

  14. Nope! Ross has yet to depict that.

  15. @Anon@5:25: The latter. I wasn't even aware of the former pair's existence.

  16. @Bob Greenwade: yeah! They debuted in one of the last Teen Titan stories prior to "Crisis On Infinite Earths."

  17. Hi Carycomic - thanks, but I fell a few points shy. In the words of Sheldon Cooper, "I've been tested." ;-)
