Friday, February 26, 2021

Stripesy and Dum Dum Dugan


Not only are these two of my favorite supporting characters, they both share the same last name, so why not have them share an adventure together?  I'm looking forward to the return of Pat Dugan on the upcoming second season of Stargirl.  Dum Dum Dugan may not be returning to the MCU unless they present another period piece... or feature the Zombified Version that runs with the new Howling Commandos!


  1. It's all about family! Congrats on unearthing yet another hidden family relationship in the STF universe - which is beginning to feel more real to me than either of the two (main) comic mythologies you are drawing from.
    Hope we see more of these two.

  2. @Davejonz: well, I'm sure I'm not the only one who's occasionally requested this team-up. But, I'm equally sure this is--quite literally--the first chance poor overworked Ross has had to sift through the total number of such requests!

  3. As to how to bring Dum-Dum into the 21st century of the MCU? If I were a Marvel Films scriptwriter, I'd just employ the old Silver Age plot gimmick that was used for Caucasian Nick Fury. Have Cinematic Dum-Dum briefly captured just before V-E Day...and then injected with the Infinity Formula by whichever Nazi mad scientist first developed it!

  4. Hmmm! I'm wondering if the answer to the question on today's cover would be...Baron Von Strucker and the first-generation of Hydra?

  5. I agree with everything you said in your commentary, Ross. Luke Wilson is great as Pat Dugan, despite being the wrong physical type, and Neal McDonough practically personified Timothy "Dum Dum" Dugan. I hope you make the Dugan Brothers' WWII adventures an ongoing thing, and eventually do a photo cover with those two actors.

    And yeah, it's too bad "Dum Dum" will only be available for period pieces, flashbacks, and episodes of What If...?.

  6. There's got to be at least a couple of Dum Dum LMD's stuck in a closet in old SHIELD safe-houses. And continuing some thoughts from yesterday's comments, one could certainly be found and accidentally activated by Tim Taylor.

  7. Dum Dum also wore a striped underwear shirt under his uniform shirt, so that must have been a family trait.

    Hoy Murphy

  8. There were a number of LMD's stuck in closets and for a while it appeared the entire world was populated by clones and LMD's.

    I am sure there is a red headed WWII villain like Per Degaton for them to fight in sequel.

  9. stripesy resembles marvel's sandman

  10. Was it noticed that both Dugans have similar hair color? Another point towards a family connection!

    Does this mean an issue of "Stargirl: Agent of SHIELD" is in the works?

  11. Hyram H HorsefeathersFebruary 26, 2021 at 8:51 PM

    Can't wait to see who you family up Ben Parker with! Which old guy will Ross make into those fun luving Parker Brothers?

  12. @Hyram and Ross: how about Douglas Parker (police chief of Silver Age Smallville, Kansas)? Or, failing that, Patricia "War Nurse" Parker of the Public Domain?*

    *That'd be such a cool name for a superhero headquarters!
