Saturday, February 27, 2021

Justice League of America and Doctor Strange


Cat Blanchett's Hela is probably my favorite Marvel villain to appear thus far.  Her performance was spot on and she looked amazing and comics accurate in her various costumes.  I especially appreciated that they did not shy away from Jack Kirby's extravagant helmet design.  I'd love to see the her return down the line, although I am guessing that's tougher to do with such a powerful character.  


  1. Bold move replacing Phantom Stranger with the "Helmet of the Living Xmas Tree with Branches Everywhere".
    CGI really is better than reality as long as you can afford it. Why draw it on paper when you can draw it on screen? Should be great for an image rich G.L. tv series.

  2. Det. Tobor took the words right out of my mouth, re: the original source of the image. That was the year of the unofficial Rutland (Vt.) Crossover between Marvel and DC! But, one is forced to wonder how the JLA got on Hela's bad side in the first place. Did Dr. Strange's brother Adam interfere with one of her father's elaborate schemes?

    Like the precise number of licks to a Tootsie Pop's center... "The world may never know."

  3. Personally? I think Ross is trying to set us up for a JLA/Defenders War! I mean, think about it!!

    Professor Hugo Strange becomes an avatar for Dormammu (in STF #2801). As a result, he winds up sending nephew Adam to Hel (Asgardian land of the dead for those not killed in battle). Prompting nephew Stephen to astral-project himself to the rescue of his little brother (in STF #3163).

    This prevents the good doctor from warning the JLA that Hela is only trying to manipulate them into reassembling the Evil Eye of Avalon (which Prester John disassembled and sent to six different areas of the Milky Way for hopefully safer-keeping). And that magically amped-up "Uncle Hugo" had merely been Loki, in disguise, all the time!

  4. What I loved about Hela in Thor: Ragnarok wasn't so much Cate's performance -- though that certainly was top-tier -- as the perfect balance struck between "reasonable motivations" and "because I'm evil." She was given a justification for being angry, yet seemed to treat it less as a reason than an excuse. Thus, the character became both simple and complex at the same time.

    I'm not sure, but didn't Hela die at the end of that movie? I think that would be the biggest barrier to bringing her back. The power level in the MCU is ramping up, what with Captain Marvel, Doctor Strange, Spectrum, and even the Scarlet Witch upgrade on WandaVision. Even if I'm remembering right, she can still return, what with the multiverse and all that.

  5. This is just what the JLA needs - a Big Bad worthy of them. Great.

  6. Pretty chilling Ross! If heroes die outside of their native universe, do they stay dead? Here's another request from the cheap seats, since we're on this grim topic: Could you make a Legion of the Dead cover? Maybe starring Mar-Vell, Bucky, Jean Grey; perhaps Deadman and some of the other heroes that have passed on? Just a thought.

  7. I have something like that in mind, Ken.


  9. Regarding Hela the Asgardians have very odd family connections. Hela is Odin's sister who is daughter of Loki his step son.

    It is a great cover with 3 JLA members on each side and one Marvel character on each side at top of page.

  10. What do you mean he's is Doug's sister?

  11. That would make Odin her step-grandfather. Not her brother!
