Saturday, January 9, 2021

The Human Bomb joins The Invaders

 The Human Bomb had a simple concept and even simpler costume, but I always got a kick out of him as a kid.  I just liked the idea of a guy that could make his body combustible and survive to do it again.  Lots of heroes and villains could cause explosive destruction through weapons or energy beams from their eyes or hands, but this guy was the explosion!  I though it was cool then, and I think it's cool now!


  1. Comment Deleted could Not haveJanuary 9, 2021 at 7:01 AM

    He was cool as a Firecracker as a kid but when he was nervous he did sweat bullets.

  2. I know. He even admitted (in one of the first two issues of FREEDOM FIGHTERS) that his condition required that he conduct his daily ablutions in a special lead-lined shower!

    "So, if it starts to get a little funky in here, it's all your fault. You turkey!"

  3. I still would favor a Containment Suits Anonymous team if it wouldn't turn out so DC-heavy (Human Bomb, Negative Man, Wildfire).

    Still, it seems to me perfectly reasonable that HB would join the Invaders, though that may be just because of his membership in the Freedom Fighters. And you're right about his concept being cool; I can't see him carrying a full title on his own, but as a member of the Freedom Fighters he works great.

    Say, those two teams (Freedom Fighters and Invaders) actually did meet way back in #63, and worked together again in #696, but not since then, and that's a long time. I think it's about time for another go-round. Maybe for this coming January 20? OK, maybe not; but July 4 would be quite fitting.

  4. Maybe the Human Bomb can battle Nitro next.

    Harry Tzvi Keusch

  5. @Anon1030: That would be "da bomb," indeed! ;-D

  6. Or, maybe the Human Bomb and Gambit could team up against the Evil Midnight Bomber What Bombs at Midnight! (With a backup story featuring Slappy Squirrel, and the Muppets' Crazy Harry!) That'd really be a blast!

  7. Horsefeathers in a 'suit'January 9, 2021 at 4:36 PM

    Just: Red, White & Blew!!

  8. I'd prefer that Slappy Squirrel met Secret Squirrel and Squirrel Girl.

  9. If you're taking suggestions, how about the Great Gazoo and Stanley's Monster, Spot, in the Search for Suffleupagus?

  10. The only time I ever took part in cosplay was when I dressed as the Human Bomb for the 1978 NYC Comic Art Convention. BTW, unless there's been a retcon I don't know about, HB didn't explode himself. Like Midas's golden touch, he had an explosive touch. Anything he touched with his bare hand blew up. For a short time in the forties, he had a comedy sidekick: Hustace Throckmorton, aka Thunderfoot, who had the same power in his feet. When he took off his protective shoes and socks, he had an explosive kick.

  11. Great cover! Awesome follow-up to the HUMAN BOMB/HUMAN TORCH team-up from awhile back.
