Friday, January 8, 2021

Lara Croft enters The Tomb of Dracula


Lara Croft does raid tombs, after all - so why not one of the most famous tombs in fiction?  She's also faced off against somewhat supernatural creatures before, but could anything prepare her for an encounter with Count Dracula?  I still haven't seen the latest Tomb Raider movie, but I find both of the Angelina Jolie entries to be guilty pleasures.  Is the reboot with Alicia Vikander worth checking out?


  1. The Angelina Jolie films must have been in a time before - or outside - the Trilogy concept. (Surprising how some films and characters only get two films, but I digress...) I enjoy both of those movies. I think I jumped in midway through the reboot film. My wife had started watching it, and I walked in somewhere in the middle. it was okay. Action-packed. I probably should get around to starting it from the beginning...

  2. As origin stories go, the reboot did the job intended. It got me to spend money on a theatrical ticket. And Alicia Vikander, as a somewhat younger version of Ms. Jolie's LC, did the best she could with the role. But, would I buy tickets to a pair of sequels featuring her? Probably not. As to this crossover, however?

    Two thumbs' up, for such a "Dynamite Image."


  3. Your creativity strikes again. An inspired notion - and a good-looking cover image too.
    Have you ever paired Ms Croft with Indiana Jones?

  4. Nice cover, Ross -- and I love that title. Your pun cred remains top-notch.

    Your mention of Lara's penchant for tombs does give her a lot of unrealized story potential for STF. She could help Batman deal with Ra's al Ghul. She could investigate the "tomb" of Rama-Tut. One of the better tales from classic Doctor Who was the four-part "Tomb of the Cybermen." And could she have a quest that leads her to Exegol, where she encounters Emperor Palpatine's operation?

  5. Part 2 tomorrow featuring Dean and Sam Winchester?

  6. Winchester Brothers vs. Cthulhu... now, that would be a showdown!

  7. Would Sam Winchester be up to the challenge, though? Because, after all those years of law school (prior to the series premiere), he's no longer used to being below "C" level.

  8. Horsefeathers brushing off the dustJanuary 8, 2021 at 7:48 PM

    With the way things are going now, next season Hulu will have Cthulhu's series. It's in the STARS (Hollywood's).

    Even the Count may make a guest shot when he was just "a little Vlad".

  9. Look, up in the night sky. It's a arts and Croft Bat-mobile-plane!
    (Abbott and Costello assemblies required.)

  10. @Horsefeathers: from the same production company that gave us "Transylvania's Finest?"

    "Vlad-boys, Vlad-boys! What ya gonna do? What ya gonna do when we come for you?"

  11. @Carycomic: WorsePun0cookie!

  12. I disagree with that last Anon. Good pun! Good, good pun!
