Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Superman and Buffy The Vampire Slayer


I remember when DC Comics Presents came out, a new team up title featuring Superman as the anchor character.  While this was obviously a concept that appealed to me, I wondered if it would work as well as The Brave and The Bold, since Superman was so much more powerful than most potential guest stars.  Fortunately, most of the time, writers were able to effectively work around that.  One way to even the odds was to introduce a mystical or magical element in the stories, for which The Man of Steel was just as vulnerable to as his guest stars were.


  1. I love this pairing - and what a smart way of bringing them together.
    How about Buffy and Mr Spock? With a vampire that might like to try some green blood for a change.

  2. It'd probably have to be a silicon-based vampire with a taste for copper. Remember how allergic to it the Tycho cloud proved to be?

    Otherwise, I totally agree with Dave. This is a brilliant pairing! Although, I don't honestly recognize the vampiress in question. It's not Andrew Bennett's ex-girlfriend, Elizabeth, from "I...Vampire."
    Nor any concubine of Dragorin of Transilvane.*

    *Remember the sub-atomic monster world from Jack Kirby's stint on JO?

  3. Great concept, tho Dracula tried turning Superman once, but Supes is solar-powered so it backfired and incinerated him

  4. The best thing about DC Comics Presents was that it had different writers and artists in almost every issue. While there is no doubt that the great Curt Swan was THE silver and bronze age Superman artist, as a teenager I was abit bored with the art, and enjoyed seein different artists draw the big guy.

    Harry Tzvi Keusch

  5. Yes, using mystical elements against Superman is good. Unlike other weaknesses of his, such as Kryptonite or the light of a red sun, he can still use his powers, even if only indirectly. And that makes this pairing with Buffy one of the more clever possibilities.

    It also leads to many other possible team-ups: Harry Potter, Hercules (Kevin Sorbo), Gandalf, Doctor Strange,* Hellboy,**, Spawn,* Indiana Jones, the Winchester brothers, etc.

    There was also a story arc a couple of years ago that showed that Superman is affected by "faith" -- very powerful religious belief. My own take is that it's a supernatural force and therefore technically falls under "magic," but it does raise the question: Would Superman be vulnerable to the Force? How well could he handle Darth Vader? Would he need help from Luke Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, Cal Kestis, or someone similar?

    *Might've happened already on this blog; I'm not sure.

    **I know this one happened already; it's worth mentioning anyway.

  6. Ross, what about Buffy and Darth Vader?

  7. Or Buffy and Cyclops & Havok of the X-men?

  8. Martha Washington, Martha Kent, Martha Wayne MEET Jan BraDY IN: Martha Martha Martha! Back up Feature Greg Brady Meets The English Rock Band Johnny Bravo and Cartoon Networks Johnny Bravo!

  9. The Scarlet Skier (DC JLI) VS Milk & Cookies (Marvel WHAT THE?)

  10. The Phantom Stranger (DC) and The Stranger (Marvel) in Long Lost Brothers!

  11. @BrotherKellyMatthew: wouldn't a better title be "The Kindness Of..."?

  12. @Anonymous That's the one with Blanche Du-Boise and the Kindly Ones. But Don't forget when QueensRyche meets The Stranger and his Pirates: Ayes of A Stranger. Backup Feature: Tron Scream In Digital.

  13. Now there's a thought. Being solar powered, Supes doesn't even know he has an aura around him, like infrared light, coming from his pores. High end beings of the dark may be able to ignore it but low level beings, it could be like acid to them.

    Kal-el attacked by the Force? He might see it coming like a death ray or a lightning bolt and punch it away. THAT would shake someone's self confidence! I'd love to see Fleischer Studios do that in a 1940s style animation!

    Then again, a new vampire "tries" Superman and goes HE DOESN'T TASTE RIGHT!!

  14. @Brother K: How about The Stranger (Marvel) with Adam Strange (DC) in: "Strange and Stranger!"

  15. Played by Bill Pullman and Jim Carrey?
