Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Sandman and Spider-Man in: "Night Terrors!"


Warner Bros seems to want to get aggressive with their DC Comics movie release schedule going forward, as they have announced four theatrical films a year along with two straight to HBO Max releases for lesser known properties.  I think an HBO Max movie or series would be a perfect place to adapt Sandman Mystery Theater, the excellent 90's series featuring the original Sandman.  It's all right there on the page, the stories are even broken down into four-issue installments.  Even reading it back in the day, I felt like it was written with an eventual live action treatment in mind.

Spidey and Wesley Dodds first met in STF #1287...


  1. This cover is going to increase subscriptions tremendously. WOW!

  2. @det - I totally agree and second your WOW! Just brilliant! DC, Marvel, get working on STORIES to go with some of Ross's covers - starting with this one!

  3. Alex Ross, himself, could not have done a better job depicting it in such a live-action style. Bravo!

    As to the implied adventure within the cover? I like to imagine the pulp-noir-ish costume as being inhabited by Jack Kirby's Garrett Sanford. Somehow returned to the real world to succeed the retired Wesley Dodds!

  4. @Cary: Uhm, hello! Did you see the search parameters at the bottom?

    The photo-capture IS from Alex Ross' work!

  5. @Anon & Cary: Well, that does make the original statement quite true: Alex Ross couldn't have done better, because he did this work and if he could've done better he surely would've!

    @Ross: Cary has a good point, though, separate from that: the combination of the two images is perfectly aligned. This matches Alex' sense of composition so perfectly that it looks like the man himself could've done this as-is.

    Plus, the text hints at a story that would be a real corker. Surely there would be flashbacks to Gwen Stacy and possibly Sandy Hawkins.

  6. Horsefeathers out. of 1984January 5, 2021 at 10:22 PM

    from first incounter:
    Sandman? You don 't look ANYTHING like him!
    Not Him! I'm m e!
    Isn't that like copywrite infringement?
    My trademark has been around a L O T longer than his!

    Seeing Spider looking painted like this is better than his live action tv show look.

  7. The two-season wonder that starred Nicholas Hammond on CBS?

    Or the Japanese series featuring the Transformer-like mecha?

  8. When Will Wesley meet Molly Dodd and deal with her Days & Nights?
