Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Black Panther and Hawkman

 The Super Powers mini-series were generated to sell the toy line of the same name and I can't say that I remember the plot line.  I do remember picking them up because it would be the first time that I would see Jack Kirby illustrate some of DC's main heroes.  For some, like Batman and Robin, I didn't feel his style worked with as well as it  did others.  On the other hand, I really liked his rendition of Hawkman and would have loved to have seen what he could have done with an extended run on that character.

This is only the first part of a 2-part epic, so make sure you come back tomorrow for the exciting conclusion!


  1. Not quite for me. I am a big Kartar Hol fan, but from Joe Kubert to Jack Kirby? I didn't like Jack's version of Spidy either. Not the kind of character that was his forte.

  2. I'll take The King over Franks Robbins and Springer, any day. Back in the Seventies, those two made Batman look like The Scarecrow! Which is most definitely (and undeniably) a _bad_ thing.

    Whereas, I enjoyed Jack Kirby's work on JIMMY OLSEN, during that same period. Especially the Goody Rickles/Morgan Edge/Fourth World story arc!

  3. once again , Ross , you've really brightened my day by using only the King as the featured artist ! Bravo !!!

  4. Comment Deleted Could Not haveJanuary 6, 2021 at 9:14 AM

    Speaking of Dream dates - Dream of the Endless vs Nightmare?

  5. All-Ross yesterday, and then All-Kirby today? Maybe an All-Ditko cover in the future? (Doctor Strange and the Question would be a decent choice for that! Or another Spider-Man/Blue Beetle II cover.)

  6. kevin from new orleansJanuary 6, 2021 at 10:57 AM

    I liked his Martian Manhunter

  7. A Royal Ransom? Which Super Villain - DC or Marvel - can have kidnapped King Kirby?
    Surely only...Darkseid!

  8. The only thing I remember from the SP miniseries is Green Lantern trapped on Brainiac's ship and not knowing how to work the controls. So he used his ring to create "an infinite number of monkeys," on the basis that they would eventually set a course that would return him to Earth.

    Even if that were practical, odds are they'd pilot the ship into a star before getting anywhere near Earth.

    Despite that, I would have loved to read a Kirby Green Lantern series. It could have been incredible.

  9. That would've gone double for a Kirby-drawn comic book about Sealab 2020. ;-)
