Thursday, December 17, 2020

The Bondsmen (The Movie!)


The passing of Sean Connery had many of us revisiting his classic Bond movies.  He still hasn't been topped in the role in my opinion.  It's crazy to think that we will be seeing Michael Keaton and Harrison Ford resuming their iconic roles as Batman and Indiana Jones in the next couple of years.

This cover marks the fourth appearance of The Bondsmen.  They found themselves in a beastly situation in STF #3050, They had to temporarily replace one of their own in STF #880 and were first introduced in STF #564...


  1. A few years ago, Kevin Conroy said in an interview that he was told he would NEVER be the voice of Batman again. Not only did he return to that part, but he got to play a live action Bruce Wayne in Crisis.
    Young Indie had a much older version as well. Characters are stepping outside their prime. We've seen Diana Rigg at 82 still work the small screen until she passed this year. Ron Ely played an older Kal-el on a multi Earth story of the Superboy series.

    Keep yourself in good shape and you may never fully run out of work gigs.

  2. well adam west did play batman again(only in anamation)...but still ya' know what i in 2 anamated movies!!! no less

  3. "And the original is still the greatest!" 😏

  4. I wonder who their debut antagonist would be? I'd opt for Hydra. Even the Golden Age Batman encountered a crime syndicate by that name!*

    *As did The Shadow in the Street and Smith pulps.

  5. It's fun that you chose the Hasselhoff version of Fury, rather than the Jackson version. It's also appropriate, since you seem to be featuring "past-their-prime" actors here rather than current ones. This cover is much more powerful than if you'd used Daniel Craig, Ben Affleck, Samuel L. Jackson, and whoever else for the other two.

    (I do think you should've switched Sean and Harrison, though. If they're the Bondsmen, then Bond should be in the featured position!)

    @Tobor: Yes, I was a tad annoyed to find that George Hall's portrayal of "Old Indy" was cut from both broadcast and home-video editions of The Young Indiana Jones Adventures. He had a pretty decent story arc. And I do hope that this recently-announced fifth Indiana Jones movie with Harrison Ford shows us how he lost his eye.

    @Cary: If Alec Baldwin had made it to this cover, then Hydra would be a shoo-in! Maybe Ross can do a Hasselhoff/Keaton/Baldwin cover some time in the future.

    Though I think I'd rather see a Baldwin/Zane cover sooner. Baldwin's Shadow with Carter's Wonder Woman would be fun too.

  6. And now, it's been announced that Harrison Ford WILL return as Indy in a fifth movie. No word if Shia LaBeouf will be back.

    Who could they fight? Well, Indy doesn't really have an arch enemy unless you count Adolf Hitler - and he's too easy. Bond's archfoe is Spectre, Nick Fury has Hydra, Doc Savage has John Sunlight, and Batman... well, in this venue, I think it should be Professor Hugo Strange. So maybe it should an adjunct of Hydra, run by Strange, and we could call the film "Strange Adventures!"

    I'd like to nominate Ily Kuryakin and Napoleon Solo, and also the Spirit for membership in the Bondsmen.

  7. Love this! I've been wanting to see a movie version of this team :)
    Another movie I'm dying to see would be Red Brown as Cap teaming with Indiana Jones

  8. PS: If you ever decide to go for a Christmas photo cover, Ross, I think Kurt Russell (The Christmas Chronicles) would be the right choice for Santa Claus. Maybe you could team him with Chris Reeves or something.

  9. Or Snake Plissken "Escape from the North Pole!"

  10. Is it just me - or does anyone else think Hasselhoff's Fury look like an eye-patched Xander Harris? Could Buffy be lurking just offstage?

  11. HHH Secretary at largeDecember 17, 2020 at 7:23 PM

    @BG *be aware you have a msg on 12/15/20

  12. HHH: I couldn't find any messages from Tuesday that I didn't already know about. What system is it through?

  13. PS @Ross: You could sweeten the deal and make it an escape from the North Pole of Ego, the Living Planet. Then throw in Dexter Riley, Jack O'Neil, and Jack Burton for good measure...


  14. Horsefeathers deja vuDecember 17, 2020 at 10:18 PM

    That other one, "Oh! Rasputin", (to Oklahoma)
    Oh! Rasputin, where the crown comes a tumbling down,
    Where the bark and bite continue all night
    and you never leave a victim with a frown...

    December 17, 2020 at 8:31 AM
    Horsefeathers thru History said...
    Don't forget the stage play Disney was developing:
    Rasputin, Rasputin Let down your Heir!

  15. hey let's not split heirs

  16. Yes! Instead of splitting them, we should be "Bonding" them, together.

  17. @Horsefeathers: Oh, yeah, I saw those. Nicely amusing, and genuinely clever. (I'm doing the show in mostly 70s-style R&B/soul/funk, though, and fully original songs rather than parodies.)

  18. Horsefeathers in the wingsDecember 18, 2020 at 12:22 PM

    @BG Thanks & Good Luck.

  19. another GREAT live-action cover mash-up, Ross....
    i am in awe how expertly you do these things....
    so seemingly effortlessly.....
    far freaking out...
    as always with me an idea for another live-action cover....
    a council of Santa Clauses....
    including Tim Allen and Kurt Russell and...
    wait for it....
    from the credit card commercial
    Mr. John "Santa" Travolta....
    and for retro vibe you can throw in the Santa with muscles, Hulk Hogan....

    1. What about the actor from Santa Claus conquers the Martians?

  20. Aw, heck, there are gobs of Santa Clauses to choose from. Even Fred Astaire did a turn at the old guy. A "Council of Santas" wouldn't be too hard to do some year when a team issue lands on (or very shortly before) Christmas.

  21. ...even Bruce Campbell was Old Saint Nick in an episode of "The Librarians"....

  22. I'd prefer a time-traveling Ash Williams teaming up with the Disney version of The Rocketeer (against jet-pack-wearing Nazi Deadites) for Xmas. That way, Ross could hype it as "The film you've all been waiting for...starring The Campbell Kids!"

  23. Cover of the month!

  24. Wow! Doc Savage. That's digging deep. I used to read those back in the 80s and he was old and obscure back then.
