Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Katma Tui and The Avengers

 I've seen character descriptions for the upcoming HBO Max Green lantern Corps series, and Katma Tui does not seem to be among them.  I'm OK with that if the reason for her absence is to save her for a live action appearance with John Stewart, when he finally gets his moment to shine in cinema.  I always liked their relationship in the comics.


  1. Since we met Diggle's step dad in Arrow, whose name is Stewart, careful of this relationship possibility. He has 2 kids post Crisis just like Kal-el.

    As to this matter, Go back in time and fix ANYTHING per movies logic.

  2. Horsefeathers In JeopardyDecember 30, 2020 at 7:04 AM

    Alex, let's try "What are Spot, Parasite, and Dr Strange's magical mystic foes good for?"

  3. The producers could also be saving Katma Tui for a later season, once the audience has become familiar with the initial cast. The Corps is a big group, and given that Sinestro was a Green Lantern before he turned Yellow, they may be planning to show him turning and then bringing in Katma as his replacement.

    @Tobor: I'm as eager to see how the Diggle twins get along with the Kent boys as I am to watch the Internet explode the first time John says, "In brightest day, in blackest night...."

  4. If Sinestro became the newest incarnation of Parallax in the Marvel Universe, would he respell his name as Peril-Axe?

  5. Btw: that's my message, above. The over-cautious idiots at Google are once again trying to bully me into needlessly (and expensively) upgrading.---Carycomic

  6. On a slightly lighter note: how about Touche' Turtle crossing swords with Super Chicken? That way, Ross could describe it with the following tag-line.

    "Hard-shelled hero meets the crime-fighting fowl with a cape on!"

  7. Comment Deleted could Not haveDecember 31, 2020 at 1:53 AM

    Hoz aboot Super Chicken, Super Goof, Super Grover, and Super Turtle vs Super Skrull?
    Challenge for the Super!

  8. @Comment Deleted: I could deal with seeing those four heroes teamed up on a cover. It'd be almost as much fun as Stupendous Man vs. Darkseid.

  9. Or, even better, Pureheart of Riverdale vs. Darkseid!
