Saturday, December 19, 2020

Green Lantern Vs. The Super Skrull


With the announcement that Secret Invasion will be one of the upcoming Marvel Disney+ series, we can expect a lot more Skrull Action in the MCU.  The Fantastic Four was also finally officially announced, but that still seems to be a way off.  The Super Skrull's gimmick of mimicking the abilities of each member of Marvel's first family means that he likely will not be a part of these series considering they will not have been introduced yet.  Perhaps Kl'rt will still show up though, but just in his un-powered form.


  1. Ring vs Strength, flame, stretch or force field? No distractions? I'll go with Hal. Shouldn't be much of a contest given Hal's experiences.
    Super-Skrull vs Space Phantom? Could be interesting.
    If DC or Marvel ever go back to one Earth, one universe ONLY...they better not have any stories set in the future if the current universe is going to be overcome and destroyed (again).

  2. When it comes to that aspect of the screenplay, Marvel Disney will probably have to "Kl'rt" through his agent.


  3. What if this really isn't Super Skrull, but a Dire Wraith impersonator; looking for a weapon even Rom's neutralizer can't overcome? That way, you could incorporate this cover art as Part 3 of a four-part adventure!

    And, yes, I've already searched the past Rom sims. No prior team-up with GL yet.

  4. Unless Kl'rt can flame on completely and make it pure yellow, I don't think this will be much of a fight.

  5. Anon, Hal Jordan met ROM in STF 1100.

  6. I think we can look forward to seeing Super Skrull in the MCU. He's a pretty iconic character, after all. The creative teams at Marvel have been pretty good at weaving tales that combine faithfulness to the source comics, consistency within the cinematic universe, and acknowledgement of the sensibilities of the early 21st century.

    As to this cover: Repo? Has Hal gone off the rails again, and the Guardians engaged Kl'rt to get his ring from him? Or does the title refer to Hal's struggle to get his ring back from Kl'rt?

    Maybe Kl'rt could meet Ch'p in "The Case of the Stolen Vowels!" (Of course, I'd be very surprised -- though pleasantly so -- if that were to actually happen here.)

    @Cary: #VeryBadPunGiveMeCookiesBack

  7. Will Kl'rt and Ch'p meet Mr. Mxyzptlk?

  8. And between all their efforts, they had a very nice vowel moment. Granted, they still had to mind their P's + Q's.

  9. Then, they're long overdue for a (feature-length) sequel.

  10. @Ross & Anon1016: GL and Rom in a sequel? Yes!

    See-QUEL! See-QUEL! See-QUEL! See-QUEL!

  11. If everyone's favorite rodentian GL teamed up with Flash Gordon's girlfriend would that make them...Ch'p And Dale?

  12. Over Hill but not over DaleDecember 20, 2020 at 1:28 AM

    As long as it didn't give her a Hot Flash!

  13. An amalgam of Flash and Pyroman?

  14. nah. Flash Gordon with a jealous temper I bet.

  15. Hey! That's an idea. A Xmas gathering of Clan Gordon!

    Commissioner James and his daughter, Babs. Their sometimes villainous cousin, Bruce. Her "Dynamite" Uncle Flash. And, of course, Babs' jungle-dwelling great-aunt, Nyoka.
