Sunday, December 20, 2020

Blue Devil Vs. Mojo


This seems like it would be a natural match up.  Mojo is all about getting ratings and finding the next big star.  Dan Cassidy has been known to hastily enter into bargains with shady characters to further his career in Hollywood - indeed, that's how he became The Blue Devil in the first place.  It would be an interesting clash, and a fun one as well.


  1. the devil you love blue devil . back when everyone had cb radios(incloding my cb handle was blue devil....yes i loved blue devil that much ,,,,no foolin'

  2. Horsefeathers in the ratingsDecember 20, 2020 at 7:46 AM

    Syndication? WORLDS distribution! Now just sign here, here, here, here, here, and over there. And don't forget the video game tie-in.

  3. it should be lost in syndication hell cuz that's where he's goin'

  4. Is it coincidence that your photo-capture of Mojo resembles Spawn's arch-enemy?

  5. @Anon852: Shhhh! Not so loud. Todd McFarlane might think Ross was a copyright "Violator."


  6. Wow. Ross, this is a terrific cover. Great idea and excellent execution.

    Bonkers suggestion for a cover, the Serenity crew run afoul of Copperhead's Sheriff Bronson.

  7. I've been watching DCU's aborted Swamp Thing series on The CW, and we got about 15 seconds of the actual Blue Devil, with another minute or so of the rubber suit. The build-up of this C-plot wasn't paid off.

    What do you call all of these 8-10 episode shows that now seem to be the standard on all the streaming services? They are too long to be call miniseries, they are only one uber plot so I don't like to call them series. I saw one blogger call them "10 hour movies", which is even uglier.

  8. I think DC should do an animated version of Blue Devil with the original concept and costume. It was bright and simple and fun. And if needed (to clean it up for impressionable kiddies), just have him fused to the suit by an evil wizard instead of a demon.

    Perhaps it could be the the lead feature of a half hour DCU show, featuring non-JLA/Titans characters, with the second half a rotating slot for the many quirky B-List (and lower) heroes.

  9. Christopher, thanks! Not familiar with Copperhead or Sheriff Bronson though.

  10. I don't know how well Swamp Thing went over on The CW, but I did watch it with my DC Universe subscription and thought it was pretty good. Blue Devil was decently paid off, though I agree that we could've used more of him, but I think it was a nice set-up for a potential spin-off series. Unfortunately, between the debacle with the North Carolina government and the switch-over to HBO Max, I doubt that such a series will be coming.

    Maybe Blue Devil can have a proper treatment in a future episode of Legends of Tomorrow.

    @Jay: If you're talking about the "one and done" series (8-10 episodes telling a complete story), the technical term would be "Limited Series." (Actually the number of episodes can be anywhere from 4 to 13 -- or potentially even more -- but the standard these days is the 8-10 you mention).

  11. For something completely different, how about Howard the Duck and Baby Huey?

  12. Ross -

    Makes sense as Copperhead may be too niche to have hit many folks' radar. It is (was?) an Image western/sci-fi series - so very much in the vein of Firefly/Serenity.

    Here is a link in case you're interested:

  13. @Chris & Ross: lol! I thought you guys were talking about the DC super-villain who first took on Batman, Batgirl, and Wonder Woman.

  14. That makes total sense and he comes up everytime you search "Copperhead comic." I promise, it's a great series, though. Godlewski and Moss do a great job on the art too.
