Thursday, October 15, 2020

Venom joins Suicide Squad


Now we are hearing rumors of Tom Hardy as Eddie Brock/Venom joining in on the action of the in-development third Marvel/Sony Spider-Man movie.  With Benedict Cumberbatch as Doctor Strange, Jamie Foxx and Electro and possible even Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguire as interdimensional Spideys, this film looks to be jam-packed.  The current theory is that Wanda/Vision on Disney+, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness and the third Spider-Man film will combine to make a Marvel multiverse epic story line.


  1. I see Eddie and Ipkiss finally got their respective bodies back.*

    *See STF #2847.

  2. As much as I want to add something about the upcoming Marvel multiverse story set that you mention, I think you have it pretty much covered, other than the leak that Electro isn't going to be blue (presumably with a more comics-accurate look). It all seems pretty exciting.

    On another topic, I'm a little surprised that we haven't yet seen Deadpool join the Suicide Squad. Even with a bomb in his head, he'd be pretty hard to control, and such a source for aggravation for Waller that the story would be great fun just for that much.

  3. For some of the newer folks, the lady with the bun behind Deadshot is an incognito Barbara Gorden, in her first major gig since The Killing Joke, working out the bugs in her hacker/Oracle persona by providing tech support to the Squad.

  4. Venom is a great fit with this team. It made me forget for half a second that they are from rival companies. But I'll second Bob's call to throw Deadpool into the mix.

  5. Also for the newer folks: the raven-haired brunette in the purple-and-black unitard with thigh-high boots and black-tinted goggles is Eve "Nightshade" Eden during her phase as post-Enchantress host for the entity called "The Succubus."

  6. Looking at it from another angle, it might be fun to collect the Marvel characters you've tied with Suicide Squad (Venom, Spider-Man, Giant-Man, and the Hulk) and see how Waller and Flagg deal with them.

  7. I'd rather see Batman '68 (Filmation) meet Josie and the Pussycats (H-B) in a team-up against...The Cheetah (Legion of Doom version)!
