Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Gandalf and Bone


I was a huge fan of Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings trilogy.  I loved every minute of them - even the extended director's cuts.  His Hobbit trilogy, I felt was a bit bloated and overstuffed -  it really should have only been a single movie.  So, I am wary about the new LOTR being prepared for Amazon Prime, will there be enough new material to explore?  I'll go into it with an open mind, Hopefully it will do Tolkein proud.  One show I am really looking forward to is the  Netflix adaptation of Jeff Smith's Bone.  I can't wait to see some footage so we have a feel for what the series will be like.  It's a good time to be a fantasy fan.


  1. Well, look it at this way, Ross. He creatively answered some questions that even I've always had (and I first read the original LOTR trilogy over 1974 summer vacation in Cape Cod)! The foremost being; why did Gandalf act so behind-the-scenes? Why didn't he just confront Sauron, directly? And just where did those Nine Kings reign before their own rings of power ultimately corrupted and killed them?

    Those questions, and many more, Mr. Jackson might answer with a Silmarillion trilogy.

  2. Horsefeathers in the roundOctober 14, 2020 at 7:56 AM

    As long as it's not a three ring circus, Braggins rights will come later.

    Anyone up for a game of ring toss?

  3. Sequel suggestion: Darth Vader meets Bone!

    "The Force is very strong in you, little one. Have you ever considered joining the Dark Side?"

    "You got a better chance of seeing me in 'War of the Independents' Number Five!"

  4. Hopefully Bone will be a better apprentice than Gary Green (Legends of Tomorrow) or Mickey Mouse.

  5. If Jimmy Cagney were Luke Skywalker and Mickey Mouse was Darth Vader, would the former refer to the latter as "You dirty rat!" ?

  6. No one else has said it so I will. I have a BONE to pick with you.

  7. WBN would probably wind up chewing on it. ;-)

  8. Two questions: how about the Mask vs. Mr. Mxyzptlk?

    And if Mordru was amalgamated with Dormammu, would that make him Mordramamu?

  9. Hey Scooby-Doo make him Mordor-drumammu ! Who?

    I'm not a robot and I'm not an android. I'm a wind up.

  10. As in "Run ring roo rule rem rall?"
