Saturday, July 25, 2020

Wonder Man and Starfire

 I can see a story with these two together.  As an actor/stunt man and model that also operate as superheroes, they spend their days in front of the camera and their nights fighting crime.  They would be sure to cross paths sooner or later.  A misunderstanding leads to fighting and eventually joining forces against the true enemy.  That would have been worth my sixty cents.


  1. Maybe one day we will see the Classic Mansion Avengers...
    Durn you, Chris Evans! :'(

  2. Horsefeathers on fireJuly 25, 2020 at 8:09 AM

    Why waste a good title? 'Hero Play' could be used here too, also if Starfire met Power Pack. For that matter, Namor made a movie of the FF in their early days. He could buy Disney and make all kinds of movies making Atlantis good guys to the world. There's probably enough wealth on the sea bottom for him to buy Disney's bank let alone Disney. His company - Hero Play.

    We've seen Starfire, Wonder Man, Star Man and Wildfire so why not Wonder Fire? or the Fire Wonder? Annnnd Starfire finally meets Starfox!! Talk about a self written story.

  3. Too true, Ross! And a mistaken identity slugfest between these two would also lead to the truth about the current "Starfire." Specifically, the real reason she has green eyes is a Skrull impersonator! Whereas the real one is supposed to have the totally white eyes characteristic of all _true_ Tamaraneans!*

    *At least as originally drawn by George Perez.

  4. If the Skrulls can shape shift into giants and flys do they have a natural attribute of Pym Particles?

  5. What about the the Skrull Cave, Kong, on Skrull Island... with, naturally, the Red Skrull.

  6. Wonder Man was teamed up with fellow actor Blue Devil way back in #1712, and on the whole that's a Hollywood buddy-pair that I think would work well here. In fact, you even mentioned at the time that you prefer them in action-comedy tales; why not make that an ongoing thing, with a sort of Booster Gold/Blue Beetle vibe?

    (And of course I always prefer his red-jacket costume!)

    And now for some pairing ideas not related to the above:

    While hunting down that WM/BD cover I also came across another where you mention something about apes and dinosaurs being a selling point on comics covers, and several of us posited ways to bring both of them into one cover. I think the ultimate would be Cadillacs and Dinosaurs on the Planet of the Apes. (We haven't seen the Planet of the Apes since Mars Attacked them last year!)

    And how about the Herculoids on the Planet of the Apes?

    And absolutely unrelated: The Tazmanian Devil and the Hulk. What a temper tantrum that could be....

    @Cary: I thought Kori's eyes were orange in the early days...? (A slightly darker shade than her skin.) I'm not finding any pics to confirm one way or the other... but I'll trust your (most likely much better) memory and resources.

  7. @Det-Tobor: Those type of Skrulls are either Space Phantoms from Limbo or "Carbon Copy Men" from Xantar.

  8. Who would be in a full Hollywood celeb/model team-up? Wonder Man, Blue Devil, Starfire, Hardcase from the Ultraverse, Cat Noir from Miraculous...there's potential in this set-up.

  9. @Tronix: If you're including models, you'd have to include Vixen. I can't think of any other actors, though.

  10. Horsefeathers rolling cameraJuly 25, 2020 at 4:00 PM

    Bobbyyyyyy. Buddy Baker. forgotten already. sigh. oh, wait. Can you include the movie version of 1940's Steve Rogers?

  11. That would be "Grant Gardner." Who might (or might not) be the great-uncle of Guy Gardner!
