Thursday, July 23, 2020

The Demon and The Black Panther

Hopefully we will hear some more concrete details on the Black Panther sequel soon.  Rumors persist that we will see Wakanda facing off against Atlantis with the introduction of Namor, The Sub-Mariner.  Then there are the reports that Ororo Munroe, Storm, will make her debut in the film as well.  One issue that I had with he first film was that T'Challa was a little overshadowed in his own movie, hopefully the sequel will still feature the title character front and center.


  1. A Kirby Pair. This is a first I believe. Too bad Demon is not royalty in Hell - teamed with Namor, the 3 could be the Sovereign Defenders.

  2. Horsefeathers in BlackJuly 23, 2020 at 7:23 AM

    Would Black Panther, Wildcat and Fox be The Silhouettes ?

  3. @Horsefeathers: Only if they sang "Get A Job (Sha-na-na-na)."

  4. Another all-Jack Kirby cover [@Tobor: I'm pretty sure this isn't the first). The only thing that could be better, I think, would be all-Alex Ross, and since he paints rather than draws I don't expect to see a lot of those. (Maybe Jack in the Box versus the Joker?)

    I wish I had something to add about Black Panther 2, Ross, but what you say here is about all I know. I've heard some news about actresses being in talks to play Ororo, but they're not necessarily connected to BP2.

    @Horsefeathers & Cary: I have little doubt that Ross could actually make that work, should he be so inclined.

  5. Bob:

    All - Alex Ross Covers: #858 Superman/Samaratin, #1269 Aunt May/Superman/Batman, #1815, Geen Hornet/Green Lantern, #2829Swamp Thing/Iron Man

  6. Bob I meant it was the first time these two have been together.

    Can the Demon team with Spider-M'am next?

  7. @DT: I second the nomination. Provided, of course, it's something whimsical. Like the two of them trying to keep the Wand of Watoomb away from Xemnu!

  8. I'd rather see Spider-Ham help Miss Piggy tell the difference between Kermit the Frog and the Koozebanian Phoob.

  9. Or, failing that, He-Man and Capt. America in "The Siege of Castle Red Skull."

  10. I'd rather see DEMO's John Hatfield (mind-controlled by The Corruptor) versus Hank "The Beast" MCoy in a story entitled "There's No Feud Like An Old Feud!"

  11. @Anon@1:35: How about Kermit the Throg?

  12. As in Man-Thing's original arch-enemy from the Seventies?

  13. No, as in "Thor-turned-into-a-frog."

  14. I think Ross already did that @ STF #927

  15. Ross you may be getting some new material:

    What if superhero comics were real — and what if the annual, reality-shaking storylines bringing all the heroes together ended up breaking through to our world? Those are the questions at the heart of the upcoming Image Comics series Crossover, announced during Comic-Con@Home Thursday.

    Described by the publisher as a “world where reality is dead… and anything is possible,” Crossover is an ongoing series designed to “take the best of comic book launch events and up the dose of energy and shock value to the next level.” A preview of the series’ first issue, below, explains the high concept clearly enough.

  16. Horsefeathers on a high noteJuly 24, 2020 at 5:27 AM

    Detective Tobor said...
    Bob I meant it was the first time these two have been together.
    Can the Demon team with Spider-M'am next? July 23, 2020 at 1:17 PM

    Blogger Carycomic said...
    @DT: I second the nomination. Provided, of course, it's something whimsical. Like the two of them trying to keep the Wand of Watoomb away from Xemnu!
    July 23, 2020 at 1:33 PM

    Hows about something rhythmic like the pair breaking up dastardly plans and singing
    " In the room where it happened!"

  17. @Horsefeathers & Carycomic: ooh! ooh! I just had a light bulb moment. Spider-Ma'am rejuvenated to look like...Marissa Tomei!

  18. @Det. Tobor: I wouldn't get too enthused, too soon. I still remember the over-hyped dud called WAR OF THE INDEPENDENTS! Announced in 2008, it took three years for the first issue to get mass marketed. Which was followed by a four-year gap between the third and fourth issues!

    Officially, that hiatus was supposed to be devoted to the publication of two one-shot tie-in specials. But, evidently, those specials were never mass marketed east of Chicago!

    Now, I don't know if that's due to Dave Ryan pulling a J. Michael Stracynski (google Marvel's THE TWELVE). Or, perhaps, some corporate feud between Red Anvil comics and Diamond Distributors. Yet, either way, here it is, almost five years since WOTI #4 was mass marketed...and Issue #5 is still nowhere in sight!

    So, you'll understand (if not necessarily forgive me) if I feel justifiably dubious about any other similar "mega-epics."

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  21. To be fair, the nearly four years between the eighth and ninth issues of THE TWELVE was due to the increase in JMS's popularity, as a screenplay writer, following the box office success of Clint Eastwood's "The Changeling."

    [There! Now the grammar-harpies can stop hounding me.]
