Friday, July 17, 2020

Sun Boy and Nova Kane

When Chuck Small, a Patron of this blog, suggested pairing these two heroes together, I thought it was pretty random.  Upon closer inspection, I saw the red hair and similarity in costumes and realized the connection that he saw. There's definitely story potential there - thanks, Chuck!


  1. Wow! Thanks, Ross! Nothing like seeing an idea born, and in such a cool way.

    Keep on with the magic!

  2. Beautiful cover. Loads of story potential. And since DC said that our Rose Thorn makes it to the LSH time period, fully functional.

  3. That is quite an interesting synchronicity! Good eye, Chuck!

    I can imagine that Nova's presence in the 31st century is a part of some scheme of the Time Trapper. No doubt things will be heating up soon for the villain.

    The Time Trapper is one character we haven't yet seen on the blog, though; I don't think he's even been referenced. I think it's past time he had a Great Time War against Kang the Conquerer (possibly as a Booster Gold/Doctor Who crossover).

  4. For people like me, who grew up reading E-MAN during its original Charlton run, this is a dream come true. Ross right, Chuck. We owe you no "Small" thanks.


  5. What about Extrano and Dr. Strange?; they look very similar.

  6. A Fan of River SongJuly 17, 2020 at 11:58 AM

    Bob G, Time Trapper was referenced by Kang as to already having lost the war to Kang.

  7. Unless, of course, there's a _divergent_ Kang who lost to the Time Trapper!

  8. Has Nova Kane met Kate 'Batwoman' Kane in these pages?

  9. Good question, Mike. The two of them double-teaming Darth Vader would make for a very interesting story. In fact, Ross could probably entitle it...

    "Razing Kane!"

  10. Like how the Legion made a trophy out the Corona virus.

  11. @Fan of River Song: Could you please provide a link, or at least an issue number, for that?

    @Mike: I like that idea -- like, they'd be cousins (on Kate's father's side) or something.

  12. Bob G: 2150 # 3/3/18. LSH vs K

  13. @MarchHareSupreme: I thought it was named after Mexican beer company.

  14. @Bob & Riversong Fan: like I said. TT might've been defeated by one Kang. But, there could be a time-divergement one who got _clobbered_ by TT, himself!

  15. So the Legion beat Corona-chan?

    Probably Brainiac 5, but some of the Legionnaires are smart enough to do that, too; so it was probably a team effort.

  16. It took me a moment to realize this was not Nova, herald of Galactic, from Fantastic Four.

  17. Frankie Raye Nova! Nova Cane! Nova Corps Richard Rider! Superman as The Nova (world's finest #178 sept 1968). A novella.

  18. Always glad to see Legionnaires on the blog, either solo or in groups.

  19. Proposed sequel: Songbird of the Thunderbolts meets Tyroc of the LSH.
