Sunday, July 19, 2020

Green Lantern & Green Arrow Vs. Vision & Scarlet Witch

Green Lantern is of course referring to the events of STF #607 here...

I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but it looks like the Disney+ series Wanda/Vision has been delayed (along with Falcon & The Winter Soldier and Loki) due to lockdown preventing completion of filming on the series.  I'm not sure how much longer we will have to wait, but I hope that Marvel Studios finds a way to get these shows ready for air.  With the way all of their shows and movies are interconnected, and delays will have a ripple effect on their entire slate of projects.


  1. Horsefeathers of the pressJuly 19, 2020 at 6:25 AM

    Top of the morning Ross. Cover brings back some great GL/GA stories.
    I noticed in your tags you have some secret ID's (like Bruce) but many you skipped (like Clark). Couldn't you find good enough ideas? Ie: Clark & Peter cover a special event as reporters.

  2. Clark and Peter have appeared on a cover together before as members of the team The Newshounds.

  3. Odd. I've heard from multiple sources that both WandaVision and The Falcon and the Winter Soldier did complete filming before the COVID-19 shutdown -- in that order, in fact, even though they're airing in the other order -- and that they're dropping with only minor delays (since the shutdown did change the dynamics of editing and special effects).

  4. Personally? At this point, I think we've a better chance of seeing Hallmark Channel doing a Christmas TV-movie about star-crossed lesbians (!) sooner than we'll see any Disney+ flicks premiering prior to the New Year.

  5. Perhaps a better question would be: How much longer can we AFFORD to wait?

  6. Perhaps Dr. King said it best.

    "How long? Not long!"

  7. Reminding me of this T-shirt:

    What do we want?
    When do we want it?

  8. Speaking of power rings...

    How about Gollum (from STF #898) vs. Len Wein's Golem from STRANGE TALES(v. 1) 1974?

  9. Great idea! That way, we could see which was stronger. The obsessive willpower of a mutated hobbit? Or divine emeth?
