Thursday, June 18, 2020

Green Lantern and Hercules

Rumors are beginning to circulate regarding Hercules' inclusion in the MCU.  I'm not sure where he will show up, though.  I could see him being introduced in The Eternals, but that film seems well underway and I would think that we would have heard about his participation before now.  He would also fit in with Thor: Love and Thunder, but I have my doubts about that too, since the movie already seems to be jam packed with characters.  Wherever he appears, it's bound to be a fun role, hopefully Marvel can find an actor with the right physique and comedy chops to do the Lion of Olympus justice.


  1. Ross, do you mean like Arnold Strong or Kevin Sorbo????

  2. Hyram H HorsefeathersJune 18, 2020 at 6:50 AM

    I wonder how different Herc will be than Hulk in the muscle dept. Hal never seemed to learn how to give himself powers directly from the ring. Too bad.

    Diff note - with KATE KANE being out of the future picture on CW, it seems being a Paragon didn't really mean much. AT least Lex realized he actually replaced his counterpart on this new Earth prime, unlike the rest.

    What would Lex' s reaction be to Captain Carrot?

  3. With my luck, that rumor will probably turn out to have been referring to a CGI remake of "Disney's Hercules" (with Lacy Chabert as Megara).

  4. Hercules should be played by Gregor Clegane from Game of Thrones.

  5. "Herc & Hal Against the Hordes of Hell"? From Hackensack to Helsinki, I presume? Herc and Hal will handle those half-witted hordes, handing them their heads in the very halls of Hell!

    Levity aside, the two movies you mention would be the most logical big-screen places for Hercules to appear in the MCU, but there's still the Disney+ series. He could still show up on Loki or She-Hulk.

    @jack-el: Arnold Strong being, of course, the now-forsaken stage name of Arnold Schwartzenegger.

    @Anon@7:25: If there is such a remake, it'll be live-action with possible (well, probable) CGI elements, not all-CGI. Humans, including Greek gods, are easy to do in old-fashioned live-action; CGI tends to be better when speaking roles are given to animals and furniture.

    @Anon@9:22: Three different actors played Gregor, but I presume you mean the third and longest-lasting, Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson. I've never seen the show myself (I got the above information from Wikipedia), but he does at least have the look.

    PS: What if Earth's last line of defense consisted of White Feather (of the Inferior Five), the Cowardly Lion (from Oz), Arthur (the Tick's sidekick), and Sir Robin of Camelot (from Monty Python and the Holy Grail)?

  6. Has a certain Asgardian death-goddess developed a thing for Herc on the rebound? Or is he simply a fringe benefit while she helps Nekron get even with GL Jordan?

  7. @Bob Greenwade: either way, it'd still be another pointless remake.

  8. With racist(?) grocery product mascots being targeted, maybe, as a knock-off of "30-minute commercials" of the 1980s onword), chester Cheetah could be teamed up with "Aunt Jemima", "Mrs. Butterworth", "Uncle Ben", etc.

  9. Growing up, one of the main differences between Herc and Thor was that between the two, the Prince of Power was more of the laid back, heavy-drinking, party-going comic relief and the Odinson was more of a stick in the mud. My fear with Herc in the MCU is that Thor has moved into the humorous role, so what can they do with Herc to make him different and not just a replacement for Thor?

    1. The will probably make him bisexual and played by a person of color.

  10. @my namesake: Obsi-Diana, perhaps?

  11. If they introduce Hercules they should make him a newcomer like they did with Superman. For looks take a look at (Andrew Jared) A.J. Epenesa, a young football player who while Polynesian satisfying those who want to broaden roles in movies for characters EXCEPT in Black Panther films but has the physical chops (6'6", 270#+) and voice to do Hercules well.

  12. They could also try getting Leo Howard who played the childhood version of "Conan The Imitation" in 2011 (ironically starring a pre-Aquaman Jason Mamoa).

  13. Why not? Surely he's put on enough height and muscle mass, over the last nine years, to appeal to the 20-something female demographic.
