Thursday, March 26, 2020

The Punisher Vs. Deadman

I can understand why artists have moved away from The Punisher's original outfit - the white gloves and boots don't really make sense for a stealthy assassin type and the whole ensemble seems a bit flashy for Frank Castle's personality.  That said, I really like it!  Even if it may not make much narrative sense, it just really looks cool to me and pops off the page.  I'm willing to suspend my disbelief because I like seeing him in his classic costume.


  1. Styles include Deadshot, Bullseye and the rest of the quiet 2D assassins you find on any comics page. Wearing a grey shirt and pants set might not make much of a difference if you want to scare your targets or impress your potential job givers.

    I'm more interested in this story - a gun that can see ghosts. That takes science (& magic ?) to a whole different level. And an energy bullet do disrupt a spectre? Whew!

  2. Consider an alien rifle made with Nth metal. It could detect energy at a distance and give a representation of what it sees on the sight screen. Considering how many aliens have been made of energy, this would be a necessity. Is shoot a bullet or a stream that disrupts the energy at its source.

    Ross, I think you may have just created a subplot of weapons that could hurt most of the heroes, alive or dead (if they are still active). Dr Strange in astral form, Deadman, maybe even The Spectre and who knows what others. What a continuing subplot!

  3. Second you on the weapon, Tobor. Lots of great story possibilities Another cover I just wish had all the pages to go with it.

  4. Well, the Punisher's outfit makes about as much sense as that dark avenger of the shadows, the Moon Knight, wearing a reflective head-to-toe SILVER OUTFIT. And let's not even get started on Robin, the boy wonder!

  5. I was wondering about that rifle, and here Tobor goes and gives us exactly what I was thinking to ask for. No doubt this is one of the weapons that Black Canary and Misty Knight were trying to track back in #2871! And those weapons might even have played a role in some other recent STF stories.

    Trying to find a serial killer with one of these weapons could even be a plot to bring together the unlikely pairing of Doctor Strange and Firestorm! And I can imagine Deadshot getting ready to use one against Ghost, as well.

  6. Perhaps it was meant to symbolize the black-and-white sense of morality he espoused (espouses?). Namely; that if one's crimes are a serious danger to society, one must be punished. Even if one is found "not guilty" in a court of law!

  7. As for his being able to shoot-and-kill a ghost?

    I think such a gun would have to be based on Apokoliptian technology. Which makes me guess that he might have "confiscated" it from Intergang!

  8. Well, Daredevil and the Punisher (and maybe Jimmy Olsen and/or the Guardian) against Intergang is just crying to be done, Ross!

  9. PS: The Ghost I was referring to above was the Dark Horse character, not the Marvel one.

  10. @Bob: I thought you were referring to the DC/Charlton one (who used to battle Capt. Atom).

  11. dr., doctor, and having funMarch 26, 2020 at 8:08 PM

    does that mean there might be a Ghost Squad in the future?

  12. @Doc-doc: Wasn't that a Golden Age DC trio of Foreign Legionnaires individually known as Pedro, Chubby, and Slim? The Ghost Squad?

  13. The Deadman image is interesting - reminds me of a Ron Lim Silver Surfer (but I see JLGL listed in the labels).

  14. Apokoliptian technology is so old fashioned. Think "Dark Metal" universes and different kinds of laws of physics. Maybe even meta-technology.

  15. @Anon@8:02: That wouldn't make for much of a crossover idea, as Deadshot is also DC.

  16. @Anon833: I believe you're thinking of "The Ghost Patrol."

    @Horsefeathers: nahhhhhh! "Dark Metal" sounds too much like a mediocre sub-genre of punk rock.

  17. P.S.----yes, I said "mediocre." I meant it. And I ain't sorry for saying it (bwa-hahahaha)!

  18. @Carycomic, ain't that the same as that old, overused Batman who laughs?
    I want to see someone neutralize the virus and clear it out of him.

    Wasn't there a Ghost Squad on tv in merry Ol' England?

    Doc-doc at the dock watching his pay get docked.

    What do you get when you kill a ghost? ghost-lite?

  19. I just wish the lice action version wasn't afraid to let him wear his skull shirt.

  20. @Horsefeathers: actually, I was quoting one-time JLA foe Manga Khan (former employer of L-Ron the robot).

  21. This makes me wish Neal Adams had worked on Punisher. I think his style would be a great fit for the character.

  22. @Matthew Baugh: I agree. I remember a JLA/JSA team-up that featured the Silver Age Robin meeting his grown-up Earth-2 counterpart and being given an outfit designed by a "friend" named Neal Adams.

    It was the same outfit worn by Earth-2 Robin when DC first created the JSA Super Squad (featuring him and then-newbie Power Girl).

  23. @Bob Greenwade & Anon802: split the difference. The Punisher confiscated the gun from Intergang who had equipped its ammo with some of the matter-phasing tech used by the Marvel Ghost for his anti-corporate sabotage.

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