Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Guardians of the Galaxy and Green Lantern in: "Cosmic Consequences!"

Even with the announcement of  a Green Lantern Corps series, I am not sold yet on getting a subscription to HBO Max.  I'm hoping that the common speculation turns out to be true - that the DC Universe streaming service will shut down, will all of its content moving over to the HBO Streaming channel, along with the rest of Warner Brothers' properties.  It makes sense to have everything under one digital roof, and would make purchasing yet another monthly service more reasonable.

The Guardians of the Galaxy met Hal Jordan's Guardians of the Universe in STF #1189,  Hal met some later Guardians in STF #2604, and the future Guardians of the Galaxy met the GLC in a three parter that concluded in STF #2735...


  1. The real reason Starhawk is blasting Green Lantern is his ignoring Nikki's offered handshake. "Did the Guardians teach you nothing of social etiquette? Taste my power, fool!"

  2. I disagree. DC Universe has much more to offer than video streaming. HBO Max ONLY will have video screaming. DCU has digital comics dating back to the golden age.

  3. And what mistake might that be, Starhawk? Thinking the MCU GOTG were as effective as the originals in protecting Space Sector 2814 from the Badoon?

  4. @Bigby65: If DCUniverse survives, it will probably be just the book and community sections and the store, kinda like Marvel or Comixology Unlimited. Maybe it comes free with a HBO Max subscription along with the TV reader, or becomes a free website depending on the store for revenue.

    I've got HBO Now, which is already at the price point of MAX and will effectively be replaced by MAX, so I can't wait for it to start.

  5. Maybe it's just because of yesterday's cover, but it occurs to me that a team-up of Adam Strange and the Guardians of the Galaxy, besides having decent potential for a space adventure, would sound like a 60s rock band.

    In a similar vein, Funky Flashman could be paired with just about any musical or music-centered act (the Beatles, the Impossibles, etc. -- even Wolfman Jack) for the title, "Play That Music, Funky!"

  6. Addendum: I will only subscribe to HBO MAX if it includes the DC Universe material. I really have no interest in anything announced for it other than the DC programs, and that's not worth the price. On the other hand, if I can manage to get DC Universe to my TV screen, it's likely that I'll subscribe to that (though Disney+ will also be a contender).

  7. @Anon952: More likely they were all captured by Puny Sullivan alias...the Yellow Sub-mariner!


  8. Why is Hal's hair bright red in this picture? Is this really Guy Gardner trying to pass himself off as Hal Jordan (perhaps from his pre-Crisis days)?

  9. Its dumb to not wanna get HBO Max, because you are holding out for DCUniverse to fold. First, DCU is more than just movies & TV. Warner Media is not gonna stick comics on their platform.

    Second, unlike Disney+, which most people only subbed to because of Marvel & Star Wars, theres way more to HBO Max than just DC.

  10. @Samurai: Yes, there is more to HBO Max than DC. I'm just not that interested in any of it.

  11. Me? I'd only be interested in HBO if it came as part of a basic cable TV programming package. Which, of course, it never does!

    Not in my neck of the woods, anyway.

  12. #mynamesake@254: he could also be a Skrull merc-turned-Manhunter.
