Friday, January 24, 2020

Judge Dredd and V

I had heard some rumors of a sequel movie or even a TV series for Karl Urban as Judge Dredd.  I don't know if anything is still in the planning stages, especially now that Urban has another his series, The Boys, underway.  I hope that he can find the time and a studio has interest, because it would be great to see another Dredd film.

A big thank you to Bob Sanders for suggesting this pairing!


  1. if not, there's always Stalonne to be the judge.

  2. V could always get help from Q if M allows it. Just ask #6.

  3. Or Seven of

  4. Seriously, though, Ross: has your version of the Judge gone up against Per Degaton or Kang?

  5. I'd prefer him going up against Boba Fett. His armor not only makes him look like a Mandalorian in this photo-capture. But, a face-off between Boba and Dredd could serve as a prequel to STF #798 ("Enter...The Skip Tracers!").

  6. In the proper spirit of this blog, I refer you to his other function: the Judge at Witching Hour hosts, Sabrina, House of Mystery host, House of Secrets host and others. With a name like Dredd how could he not be judging in such a contest?

  7. "Unlikely ally" is right -- this would be the ultimate example of the right and left working together!

    Judge Dredd and Judge Doom would be an interesting face-off, too.

    @Horsefeathers & Anon8:57: It might be possible to add V to a team that also includes Mr. T, Mr. E, and other one-letter heroes, all brought together by Star Trek's Q. Still, I'm holding on to hope to see various Number Six characters (Umbrella Academy, Battlestar Galactica, The Prisoner, Dark Matter, etc.) working together. (It might also be possible to do the same with Five; on Voltron: Legendary Defender, Coran sometimes used "Number Five" as a nickname for Pidge.)

  8. Remember remember the fifth of November.

  9. @Bob G.: Versus "The 'I' Who Defeated the Justice League" (from JLA #27)?

  10. Or, better yet, V vs. A (for Anarky)!

  11. Dredd and V up against the cosmic judge, the Living Tribunal

  12. You could try replacing V with Zorro.

  13. Get V, Zorro, and the Phantom Stranger then add one more and you can have a barbershop quartet: The Tophats.

    [Showbiz is in my blood.]
    {Don't worry. They can give you a transfusion for that. }

  14. @moose: Except that Zorro and Phantom Stranger don't wear top hats; like Darkwing Duck, they wear tandos. (I don't think V's hat is a top hat either, but I'm not sure what that kind of hat is actually called.)

  15. I always referred to Zorro's hat as a "sombrero de picador." Because they seem to get mostly worn by horseback bullfighters! Whereas the Phantom Stranger and Darkwing Duck merely to seem wear variants of the standard fedora or felt hat so greatly popularized by the private detectives and investigative reporters of vintage films noir.

  16. As for V's headdress? Split the difference. Call it a "Pilgrim hat!"

  17. @Cary: Zorro's hat may vary, so I think we're probably both right about that hat (though I think on the balance you're probably more right). And yeah, I think the artists at least would tend to think of Phantom Stranger's hat as a fedora, given that it has a bilby crown, though the brim's a bit wider than most. But DW's is definitely a tando, with a circular crown.

  18. I always referred to DW's hat as an overgrown pork-pie! :-)

  19. all that's nice. you got a forth for the group with a similar looking hat?

  20. @Bob and Anonymous: I just looked it up and now I get it.

    A tando is a zoot-suit fedora! :-)

  21. @Cary: Bingo! (And, sadly for me, nobody stocks any grey ones in size XXL.)

  22. I just can't envisage this team-up lasting for more than a page or two, no matter what the threat they need to defeat is. The parable of the Frog & the Scorpion springs to mind...

  23. Who's gonna come to listen to the fedoras? Then get Zatanna and keep it the Tophats.

  24. Zatanna: "uoY tsum krow rehtegot!"

    Boba and Dredd (looking at her fishnet-clad legs): "We must work together."
