Saturday, November 16, 2019

Geo-Force Vs. Dr. Doom

With all the mentions of Markovia on Black Lightning, I really hope that an appearance by Geo-Force is in the works for that series (Not to mention Halo, Katana and Metamorpho!)

Geo-Force first ran afoul of Doctor Doom along with Batman and the Outsiders in STF #1535...

As the cover states, this is only Part One of a Five-Part Tale - make sure you come back tomorrow for the next exciting chapter!


  1. Oh, man! Awesome!
    Since the original Outsiders, I've wondered why they never used characters like The Demon and The Creeper and maybe had Ralph and Sue appear. Don't get me wrong, I like Geo-Force, Halo and Katanna.. But, what if...

  2. Promising start, Ross! :-)

    One thing, though: your link to "Dr. Doom vs. The Bat-Family" (under STF #1535) seems to be M.I.A.

  3. Just read the first three issues of Batman and the Outsiders in the Showcase Presents collection.

  4. Well, Katana definitely exists on Earth-1. She just had a near-fatal experience on Arrow, but she'll recover and see action again. Seeing Geo-Force come out of Markovia would be a blast, though, and I'd love to see Metamorpho in live-action.

  5. Almost forgot to say: I'm looking forward to seeing how this plays out over this weekend and into next week. It's the biggest story you've done to date, and I hope there are more!

  6. Re: the next exiting chapter
    Who's leaving the book?

  7. Damn great cover with green and yellow matching everywhere.

  8. And lets not forget Young Justice: Outsiders on DU Universe this past season, where Markovia was the center of a lot of the action and introduced Geo-Force, Halo, and Terra on Earth-16. Black Lightning was one of the centerpiece characters (and ended up chairman of the League!). Katana and Metamorpho had a couple of scenes where they resigned from the League when Batman did and then ran some surveillance ops for him.

  9. Where is DC actually [i]placing[/i] Markovia, geographically, nowadays?
    As with various other nations added to the maps by various Comics companies, previously specified locations clashed rather with the idea that the histories of their worlds had otherwise -- apart from matters like the existence of Atlantis and of the Amazons, and until the first appearance of superheroes, anyway -- been almost identical to RL history...

  10. @Ross: Nope! Every time I hit the link under "...attacked the whole Batman Family..." I still just get a blog removal notice.
