Monday, September 30, 2019

Spider-Man and The Creeper In: "Something Sinister This Way Creeps!"

Well, It looks like Spider-Man will be staying in the MCU a little while longer, for one more solo movie and an appearance in another Marvel event film.  This is very good news, as they will now be able to provide a resolution to the cliffhanger we were left with at the end of Spider-Man: Far From Home. Most are assuming another Avengers film for his other appearance, but I am hoping to see him with The Fantastic Four.  I always liked his friendship with The Human Torch in the comics, and it would be great to see that played out on the big screen.

This is the third meeting between Spidey and The Creeper on this blog.  They last met in STF #306  and before that, they were the very first team-up when I switched over to Super-Team Family way back in STF #1...


  1. Cool! You included the collector's item cover!

  2. And Bleeding Cool has a pretty good article about Ditko that came out over the weekend.

  3. What a way to start a Monday, Ross! Of course, Creeper could be pulling a Green Hornet on the group. Since Creepier didn't have web lines, maybe he could have "borrowed" the air shoes from the Trickster to keep pace.

    How many reporters does that make it now? Photographer Peter, Jack, and some guy named Kent. (Not to mention Iris & Lois. ) A nice comedic touch would be the 3 of them in their day identities, following each other in a circle, each holding a large magnifying glass in front of them as they look for clues on each other."The Greatest Detectives"

  4. Did you see Alter Ego #160 - Steve Ditko Remembered. A special early 60s Spidy pin up that has been colored makes up the great cover.

  5. I think there was a political cartoon many years ago, featuring Clark Kent (a.k.a. Superman), that refered to newspapers going online.

  6. Always been a big fan of The Creeper. Would love to see him done live-action at some point. Ever though of a Creeper/Captain America team up. Not a natural, I know, but since both got their abilities in similar fashion............

  7. With the fifth Avengers movie being so far off, I think Spidey will probably be in the Fantastic Four film or something else early in Phase 5; then Marvel and Sony can decide whether they want to move forward with the same deal. (It does appear that they're doing this one a movie-by-movie basis -- at least according to Emergency Awesome, and I tend to agree.)

    @Tobor: There's also Vic Sage, the original Question. In fact, DC seems to have a disproportionate share of reporter superheroes, just as Marvel seems to do the same with lawyers.

    Speaking of lawyers, I'd still love to see Harvey Dent and Matt Murdock at the bar -- for the prosecution and defense, respectively, of course -- if that can even be done. It'd be a challenge to find the right original images, but it would make for an impressive cover.

    (Not as much as the Klutz Commandos, of course! Captain Klutz, Awkwardman, the Tick, Frog-Man, Inspector Gadget, Hong Kong Phooey, Joxer... may God help us all.)

  8. I wonder if the Creeper is trying to capture them, undercover-style?

  9. how about Spidey meets Judge Parker, courtesy of Matt Murdock?

  10. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh! You meant the undercover thing. I thought you were talking to Anonymous.

  11. But, since I'm back, how about one more suggestion for today?

    Karl Lykos gets hold of a Black Lantern ring. What else could Ross call it except... THE POWER RING OF SAURON!

  12. The other movie needs to be Secret Wars.

  13. And only 74 more issues to number #2800!

    By my calculations, that's circa Dec. 12. Talk about an early Xmas present!
