Friday, August 2, 2019

Power Man and Wonder Woman

I'm surprised that we haven't seen more from Wonder Woman 1984.  Other than a poster and some set shots, very little has been revealed.  The movie has been delayed from it's original release date and there have been reports of reshoots, so I hope that it will still come together and enjoy the same success that the first film had.  I'm most eager to see how Kristin Wiig looks as The Cheetah.  I  mean, it has to be better than the human-feline hybrids from the Cats trailer, right?


  1. Youtube is the best place to mine buried treasures for WW 1984. It's been mentioned elsewhere on this site that Diana's first movie didn't hit the billion $ threshold. Chances of reshoots to crack that baby wouldn't be surprising.

    A rogue Amazon turned Moonstone type villain would be a great future movie challenge for the adorable Amazon. A WW Batman stand alone movie might be the best thing for DC to tryout.

    Ross, this cover is extremely well done and looks totally natural from the drawing board.

  2. Remember the original Beauty and the Beast tv show? Now it's CGI VS real crafted makeup effects. Why worry? Look at how well the Green Lantern effects turned out.

  3. ANY feline-human hybrid is better than the Halle Berry version of Catwoman!

    Re: the protagonists on today's cover? Interesting pairing. Does this mean tomorrow's cover will feature Captain America and Power Girl on a separate mission?

  4. Tune in Tomorrow for WONDER WOMAN, POWER GIRL, POWER MAN, AND WONDER MAN as they explore the Wonder of YOU.

  5. I'm not sure I even want to know how much work went into getting the tatters of Luke's shirt to come out right. I'd imagine it was about 20% of the total time spent making this thing.

    In the story, I can imagine that Captain America and Power Girl will be showing up to help, arriving just seconds after these villainesses have been subdued.

    As to the Cats trailer, this is an early trailer with a lot of the polish as yet unapplied (and to me the only one that looks really bad in this regard is Rebel Wilson as Jennyanydots). Horsefeathers has apparently chosen to forget how well things have come out for Rocket and Groot in their MCU appearances, or for the apes in the Planet of the Apes trilogy.

    Thus, I don't mind at all if Patty Jenkins decided to put Kristin Wiig into a mocap suit to build Cheetah in CGI. The delays in release, regardless of their reasons, will mean that the VFX guys will have plenty of time to get everything right. My only hope is that Cheetah wears a costume like the one shown here, or at least a bikini a la Tigra; I've observed elsewhere that she's the only supervillainess who basically gets away with going around naked.

  6. Bob Greenwade
    "My only hope is that Cheetah wears a costume like the one shown here, or at least a bikini a la Tigra; I've observed elsewhere that she's the only supervillainess who basically gets away with going around naked."

    Perhaps ironically, given WW's 'feminist icon' role, yet another of her foes sometimes came close to this too: It was actually mentioned at least once in the comics that when Giganta was in her original 'jungle girl' outfit with the fur[?] wraparound miniskirt, and grew to gigantic size, anybody on the ground nearby could see clearly that she was going commando...


  7. Have featured Dondi yet in this blog? He was a WW2 orphan (like Annie) whose feature ran till the '90s in most major newspapers.Maybe team him up with either Annie, Terry and the Pirates, or Johnny Quest ?!?

  8. I'm not very familiar with most of those early newspaper strip stars.

  9. Bob Greenwade said...

    As to the Cats trailer, this is an early trailer with a lot of the polish as yet unapplied (and to me the only one that looks really bad in this regard is Rebel Wilson as Jennyanydots).
    Horsefeathers has apparently chosen to forget how well things have come out for Rocket and Groot in their MCU appearances, or for the apes in the Planet of the Apes trilogy.

    B.G. let's not forget that great close shave DC gave the Man of Steel in Justice League. A true work of oscar winning special effects art.
    DC WB have so much quality to lead by example on their way with the big screen.

  10. How about Deadpool and Fairchild vs. Evil Ernie?

  11. That crosstown traffic is moider. TAXI!!!!

  12. Anonymous Plus OneAugust 3, 2019 at 5:24 AM

    Ross it's a shame you can't launch a spinoff blog for just the up coming CRISIS on Infinite Earths multi show storyline. Between the guest stars, surprises, and news, one of your covers would be perfect for sharing all that.

  13. @my namesakes: he could always finish that crossover fanfic he did back in his teen-hood. The one he repro'd for us for his 2000th issue!

  14. What can I say? +1

  15. You know, Ross, in retrospect, this particular duo of super-villainesses is rather ironic. As, at the time you posted this cover, Moonstone Comics had the licensing rights to White Wolf Games' "Classic World of Darkness" menagerie. Including were-cat tribes like the Swara Bastet!
