Monday, August 5, 2019

Adam Strange and The Herculoids

I really enjoyed the Future Quest mini-series that featured the stars of the various Hanna-Barbera cartoons that I used to watch as a kid.  The Herculoids were my favorite of the bunch, so it was great to see them in a new adventure on the comics page.  Plus with art  by the likes of Evan Shaner and Aaron Lopresti, the never looked better!


  1. A BRILLIANT pairing, Ross. Done seriously, with style and full appreciation for this man of two worlds. I know his uniform has been updated but it keeps losing its charm that way. He was finally married and had a daughter, but since pre, during and a post Flashpoint timeline have been erased, who knows?

    *It must be great to have a book like Destiny's that can self erase and rewrite itself. No ripping out pages over and over for rewrites.

  2. I wouldn't be surprised if that threat is coming from a certain galaxy not-quite-so far away from Amzot (as compared to Earth).

  3. This is a team-up that we might actually see someday, in a DC Meets Hanna-Barbera comic (assuming those continue, which I hope they do).

    Cary's suggestion (basically, "Star Wars come to the Herculoids") is a good one. Do it some time, Ross!

    I'd been thinking to suggest that Hercules meet the Herculoids, but found that that happened in #2158. The thought had actually stemmed from my thinking about the Impossibles, a group of Hanna-Barbera superheroes from the 60s, and how fun it might be to have them meet the Impossible Man. Looking at their Wikipedia article, I also learned that the group's pre-production name was used later by Disney: the Incredibles! Seeing those two teams meet would also be interesting, if it can be done.

    Similarly, I'm a little surprised that Apocaplypse has never visited Apokalyps.

  4. The Impossibles have indeed met The Incredibles on this blog.

  5. Now I want to see Mork meet the Herculoids in 'Shazbot on Amzot!" ;)
    Or have the Herculoids meet Scott McCloud's hero Zot!

  6. Shazbot? Sounds like it would be followed by a bolt of magic lightning and Billy Batson turned into the android Captain Marvel.

  7. @Bob Greenwade: I think the planet's name is spelled "Apokolips."

  8. Anonymous said...
    "Shazbot? Sounds like it would be followed by a bolt of magic lightning and Billy Batson turned into the android Captain Marvel."
    Fred Hembeck once did a comic strip in which a robot of some kind used the word like that...

  9. Ross: So they have! I keep forgetting to look under "The." But there's still The Impossibles vs. Impossible Man. Or would that be just too impossible?

    Last Anon: Thanks for the correction. That's what I get for not looking stuff up as I type. :)
