Sunday, June 2, 2019

Man-Bat Vs. The Lizard

Man-Bat remains for me the Batman family character that I most want to show up in the new Robert Pattinson led movie.  With five rumored villains, surely there is room for him.  If he can't be included in the mix, then maybe he could be included as part of the roster for the long in development Justice League Dark movie, as he has been a member of that team in the comics.  Special effects technology is finally at a place where Kirk Langstrom's bestial alter ego can finally be done justice, so I hope he finds a live action home soon.


  1. Yay! Another cover based on my suggestion (though I'm not sure whether you forgot that I suggested it, or just forgot to mention it)! These two have such overlapping origin tales that the pairing just seemed destined. They could certainly be working on the same project during the day, but as I recall Dr. Langstrom retains much of his intellect and good sense as Man-Bat while Dr. Conners does not.

    Man-Bat does need a live-action interpretation, though I'm not sure that he'd be quite right for The Batman. It's supposed to have a "noir" feel, and focus on Batman as the World's Greatest Detective, and while Man-Bat certainly isn't exclusive of these, I think this outing will feature more down-to-Earth types -- I believe that Catwoman and Penguin have been confirmed. Featuring him in the second film of the proposed trilogy might happen, though, especially if that one gives us a horror-based turn -- one that might also include the likes of Killer Croc (one character whose handling in Suicide Squad I actually liked), the Dollmaker, Hugo Strange, etc.

    What I'd really like to see is Man-Bat on Batwoman. It'd be a bit more VFX-rich than looks like will be the norm for that show, but that's not a horrible thing. (And I hope they do it in the first season; the trailer that's been released makes it look pretty dismal, so it may not last to a second season.)

    The Lizard is someone I'd love to see redone in a future Spider-Man film, dressed as he appears here. To me, the lab coat just totally makes the character's iconic look. (Depending on how closely this specific look is followed, Dr. Banner could even take a small guest appearance commenting on how purple pants just don't go with green skin.) Since the third film in the current Spider-Man trilogy is supposed to be set during Peter's senior year -- assuming it's approved by Sony, which is pretty dang likely -- so later films (which also assumes that Tom Holland renews his contract, which also seems likely) would happen while he's in college, and Dr. Conners would be a natural for a developing young scientific genius. That could make the Lizard a natural placement for the fourth or fifth film.

  2. Keeping on the animal theme, Dumbo and Mighty Mouse? Dumbo and Ant-Man (ant and elephant)?

  3. Since it's Robert Pattinson the Twilight Guy, the character I want to see is Bat-Mite. Just go all out and embrace the silliness.

  4. Bob, I have such a long list of suggestions, sometimes I forget who suggested what! Sorry and thanks for the cool pairing!

  5. Love today’s cover! Nice pairing. Any chance of Firestorm meeting up with Firelord? They’d square off against each other in a cool way. And how about a Martian Manhunter vs Savage Dragon battle? Thanks for all your hard work on these covers.

  6. A friend's kid, who didn't understand company boundaries, thought the FF's Impossible Man was the Martian Manhunter's version of Bat-Mite. Either one of those team-ups would be fun, as would IM applying for membership on Team Green.

  7. A fantastic piece of work. Ross, do you do a rough sketch of what you want before you put it together? As to Man-Bat, if they can do Lucifer in devil form, then, budget providing, they can easily do Kirk's alter ego.
    Computer programs - more than just a bunch of codes, they too can be a work of art.

  8. Man-Bat and Bat-Mite? Introducing Man-Bat-Mite....Man-Mite? /\-^^-/\

  9. Just curious...where did the art for Man-Bat come from?

  10. Found it on a Google search, Batman interior page I assume. No sketching, Tobor, I look for images that could fit together and the cover springs from that.

  11. Maybe Kirk Langstrom can debut as the Man-Bat on a Halloween episode of the new BATWOMAN series, on CW, this fall.

  12. That would be a great idea, Cary, except that Batwoman isn't premiering until January.

  13. OK! Halloween of Season 2, then.

  14. Speaking purely for myself, I was surprised there was a Season 2 for "Arrow!"

  15. @Anonymous329:

    I now hear that BATWOMAN is scheduled to premier during the fall of 2019. So there may be a Halloween episode to Season 1, after all!
