Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Deadman and Deadpool

I was glad to hear that Marvel will be taking an "If it isn't broke, don't fix it" attitude with Deadpool, now that they have the cinematic rights to the character.  All indications are that Ryan Reynolds will continue in the role.  It will be interesting to see how the wall-breaking anti-hero reacts to moving from Fox to Disney/Marvel in his next film outing, I bet they could have a lot of fun with that.


  1. Hmmm, looking at this cover, another title could have been " Seeing RED!"

    Saw Endgame on an afternoon performance. 25% of the auditorium was filled. Nice to take in the movie without problems.

  2. I'd like to see movie Deadpool's reaction to Detective Pikachu. ;-)

  3. The censorship issues Disney/Marvel might have with Deadpool make me think: w
    What if Halima Aden wore a burqa like mohammed's wives wore? Would would protesters against Jyllans-Posten and Charlie Hebdo (or at least the Islamic clergymen who opposed ANY depiction of Mohammed) comment that she was in a birthday suit (i.e. naked)? LOL!

  4. Fret not, Cary. I'd be surprised if the next Deadpool movie doesn't include at least one Detective Pikachu Easter egg.

    Regarding Deadpool under Marvel/Disney, the latter company has bought up Fox completely, and my understanding is that more "adult-oriented" movie fare, such as the Deadpool (and related) films, will continue to be released under the Fox banner, in the same way that the more "adult-oriented" TV fare will be on Hulu rather than Disney+.

    Today's cover is a little weird. How is Deadpool able to see Deadman (is that one of his established powers)? Does he really think that his sword is going to do anything against a ghost? And does Rama Kushno simply not know that Deadpool's avoidance of death isn't his own fault, but Thanos'? And if she's this upset over Deadpool, how would she feel about Captain Jack Harkness?

  5. Not only Captain Jack, also Captain Scarlet, Dr Who & Ra's al Ghul with his Lazarus Pits (especially on CW shows like Arrow).

  6. I think Deadpool's ability to see ghosts is a dubious fringe benefit of Marvel's Lady Death (the blue-skinned mute version that appears to Thanos) falling for him instead of the Mad Titan.

  7. @Anonymous 655:

    Exacte-mundo! :-)

  8. I suspect Deadpool can see Deadman to allow Ross to insert his funny "I see dead people" thought bubble.

  9. I've often wondered if the Brand twins were born while their circus was en route from Boston to Cleveland.

  10. det_Tobor: I don't know anything about Captain Scarlet, and I agree about Ra's al Ghul, but not The Doctor. Regeneration is part of the natural Time Lord life cycle; he's only truly cheated death twice ("Night of the Doctor" and "Time of the Doctor").

  11. Bob Greenwade

    I hope you enjoy.

  12. LOL@Del_Tobor <<<Saw Endgame on an afternoon performance. 25% of the auditorium was filled. Nice to take in the movie without problems.<<<

    You are not lying there. I will never go to another premiere showing of a blockbuster. Too many sick adults who go way too far in their outburst of emotions. And clapping and cheering at a screen like it's a LIVE broadway play or musical. It's disturbing to see people who have no grip on reality. They're worse than little girls at a slumber party!

    In two more weeks I can enjoy the movie and hopefully by then everyone has arranged babysitters for their two-year old's and under

  13. @Anon 612: It wasn't Opening Night when I went to see it. And I clapped and cheered just as shamelessly as the rest of the audience!

  14. @Bob Greenwade: Capt. Scarlet was the eponymous hero of Gerry and Sylvia Anderson's CAPTAIN SCARLET & THE MYSTERONS. The basic premise being that the first manned landing on 21st century Mars ended disastrously when expedition leader Capt. Black mistook some kind of electronic scan for an attack.

    He opened fire on the Martian city from which the beam originated, only to see the ruins regenerate! The Earthlings were then destroyed. But, only Capt. Black was regenerated. As a sort of zombie agent provocateur who'd wage a one-man war of terror on various Earth targets. Each target being announced by the disembodied Martians (who called themselves "The Mysterons") during the opening credits.

    Capt. Scarlet, agent for the crime-fighting organization Spectrum, was similarly killed and regenerated for one such zombie-terrorist attack. After which, Capt. Black ordered him to kill himself. Unfortunately, for the Mysterons, the latter not only survived. He also regained his free will...while retaining the ability to regenerate!*

    *A fact semi-graphically demonstrated when the title character would be machine-gunned, in a dark alley, just before the opening credits. Only to stand back up...with bleeding bullet holes as the only evidence he'd been hit at all!

  15. Good for you, Cary. I can see standing up and cheering at a football game. There are players on the field. But standing up and cheering to an empty stage and screen is kind of creepy. Thanks, but I'll take the path less traveled and avoid the crowd who have no respect for the other customer when they chatter loudly to themselves. :)

  16. @Anon: Well, my fellow audience members didn't go that extreme! They, at least, remained seated during their laughing, cheering, and clapping. Only standing up when the ending credits came on.

    So, yeah, if your fellow audience members gave standing ovo's during the movie, then they definitely went a little too far.

  17. They may be giving a special reaction for a couple Avengers that they really really took to heart. One scene involving Thor's hammer got me there too.

  18. Yep! That's a valid point Anonymous just hammered home.


  19. Major shout out to Super Team family. They’re killing it with these covers. Absolutely amazing 🤩
