Friday, March 8, 2019

The Watcher and Green Lanterns

I haven't read too many issues featuring new Green Lanterns Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz, but I have to say I really like the costume designs for each.  Cruz' personality and how it relates to her use of the ring is pretty interesting as well.  I am curious as to whether there is a story reason that Earth now has seven human Green Lanterns in operation (Hal, John, Kyle, Guy, Simon Jessica and the new Teen Lantern).  I don't think there have been so many at once before.


  1. There were seven at one point but all were not human. There was a period where a number of alien lanterns were staying on Earth including Killowog, Salaak, Arisia Rra (Cindy Simpson) and Ch'p after Crisis and Infinite Earths. She is the one who starts the lanterns with different uniforms to reflect their personalities.

  2. Very cool cover Ross. Now team him up with the Guardians! There contrasting philosophies of interference and non interference should be a good match up!

  3. The Watcher and The Guardians met way back in STF #199...

  4. Well, then, how about the Watcher and one of the Monitors? With special guest-star Jennifer Walters, attorney-at-law, serving papers on the latter for...

    "Plagiarism In The Nth Degree!"

  5. The idea was that Simon and Jessica were the Green Lanterns of Earth, while Hal, Guy, and John were not. The veterans were considered to be in the Oan Honor Guard.

  6. Jessica Cruz reminds me a lot of one-shot GL Donna Parker.

  7. i won't put my name to that punMarch 9, 2019 at 4:28 AM

    In the sequel, Saint Walker meets Kit Walker, but with the purple uniform and blue light, he ends up marooned.

  8. Dear Brother: You should be marooned for _making_ it (lol)!

  9. Yeah! As Popeye might say: "Outrageousk! Ah-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga-ga!"

  10. Maybe Uatu versus Bob the Monitor?

    (I love the "marooned" pun, BTW.)

    For something completely different: Calvin & Hobbes visit Bloom County!

    Or, just Opus teaming up with Thomas Magnum, for... well... I'm sure you can figure it out.

  11. I'm not Brother B. Can't you see the lack of weird use of caPiTal letters?

    P.S. Any chance of Saint Walker and the Phantom for real?

  12. @ Ross: Ok, time for a rematch. Or square off a watcher with a monitor like some others have said.

  13. That's three in favor of Watcher vs. Monitor.

    But, only two in favor of The Phantom meets Blue Lantern St. Walker.

    Looks like this is one time the Phantom loses.

  14. Sorry, Maroon Ed. :-(

    P.S.--- "A rose, by any other name, is still purple. Not maroon! Not burgundy! Not cranberry! JusT PURPle!"---William Fakespeare.

  15. Both can win. But only Ross decides.

  16. Only if he's not mistaken for a robot (like I was, last week).

  17. @ Bob - Love that Bob....... The Monitor! Ross make it so!
