Thursday, January 17, 2019

Swamp Thing and Black Panther

I liked the upgrades to Black Panther's costume in his solo movie, but I have to admit the technology is a bit far fetched, even with the addition of fictional vibranium into the mix.  So he can tap a small necklace and a whole costume appears around it?  I'm not crazy about Iron Man pulling a similar stunt with his armor in Avengers: Infinity War, either.  Sure, there's some mention of nanites or whatever, but to me it just seems like magic.


  1. kevin from new orleansJanuary 17, 2019 at 6:21 AM

    Hey Ross, would you make a Swamp Thing & Gambit cover for Mardi Gras this year please ?

  2. "Sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
    ---Sir Arthur C. Clarke

  3. Why would Super Skrull be after the Swamp Thing in the first place? Mistaken identity, perhaps? Like, maybe, he's trying to get back to the Skrull Empire and he forgot the Nexus of All Realities is in the Florida Everglades? Not the Louisiana bayou near Houma?

  4. Iron Man for a while has had armor which was collapsed into small volume but it depends on which set of armor. I'd have liked a throwaway line in movie "Hank Pym's help made this suit possible." but the Panther has gone from good teammate to someone who has to be lead in anything he did.

  5. I would've preferred "thanks to our new partnership with Wakanda," just to tie the two together.

    But seriously, fitting a suit into a space that compact isn't that far off the horizon in real life, thanks to things like carbon nanofibers. To deploy the suit in the way that Tony and T'Challa do in the films is another matter, but it's probably not that hard compared to the compression itself. Including the various weapons systems featured in each suit, well... that has yet to be done even without the micro-deployment system, so I'll just give them that one.

  6. Actually, between Pym particles and nanites, it wouldn't be that hard. Have the seams of one the pieces contain sensory receptors like that those in the body that respond to a specific something (combining receptors give you lots of possible combinations). Then have the seams of the other piece shoot probes with that specific something. When the probe connects, have it retract and move that piece into place. (Tab A into Slot B). Once the seam is attached, grow the rest of the pieces around the seam via nanites. "Ant" nanites can carry the shrunken weapons, etc. to a pre-designed contact point then activate the Pym particles to return it to its usable size.

  7. "Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced" - Gregory Benford

  8. "Never take the word of someone who'd put Tim Allen in charge of a home improvement show." ---Hector Elizondo

  9. @Anonymous: That's "Binford!" Gregory Benford is a friend and fellow author of the late Sir Arthur. See the "3 Addenda to Clarke's Third Law" for a 1988 photo of the two sharing a laugh in London.

  10. P.S.---Shouldn't "Super Skrull" be one of the tags at the bottom of the entry?

  11. if Swamp Thing is in truth a semi colony creature, he could break apart which is something even the Super Skrull can't do.

  12. Unless, of course, this isn't really Super-Skrull. But, rather, a mind-controlled Composite Superman using a combination of Chameleon Boy's shapeshifting, Princess Projectra's illuion-casting, and Saturn Girl's telepathy to make BP & ST _think_ they're battling a disguised Super-Skrull!

    That would make the question; who's doing the mind-controlling? My money would be on Mordru...using a Wundagorian clay statue of Composite Superman. Why? Part of a convoluted attempt to get his hands on Wakandan vibranium. So he can magically transmute into Antarctic vibranium. So he can use the latter's metal-dissolving tendencies to change history by destroying the space liner carrying Imra Ardeen, Garth Ranzz, and Rokk Krinn on their first journey to 30th century Earth. Because if the ship is destroyed in deep space with all hands, those three included, the LSH never gets founded!
